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Let’s Go to the English World


Chunjae Education Editorial Team


Chunjae Education, Inc.





Overseas Licensing


  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand
  • Publication Date

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Book Intro

(English) Let’s Go to the English World

The <Let’s Go to the English World> series is an English learning textbook consisting of Phonics and Course Book. Phonics textbooks that can master everything from the alphabet to complex vowels and double consonants are designed not only to learn English phonics rules, but also to read short sentences and stories. In addition, the Course Book comprehensively develops listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, focusing on topics closely related to children's daily lives, and the level of difficulty gradually increases throughout the 15 books, so you can easily learn the contents and review them naturally. 

* Composition: 4 Phonics, 15 Course Books

About the Author

Chunjae Education Editorial Team

(English) The Chunjae Education Education publishes various books for toddlers, children, elementary and secondary ages based on years of development experience. It cooperates with experts from both domestic and international fields to deliver excellent content and accurate knowledge.


(Russian) Основываясь на многолетнем опыте работы в редакционном отделе, издает множество книг для каждой возрастной группы: младенцы, малыши, ученики начальных и средних школ. "Мы делаем все возможное, чтобы предоставлять отличный контент и точную информацию в сотрудничестве с местными и зарубежными экспертами в каждой области."


(Vietnamese) Ban biên tập công ty xuất bản giáo dục Chunjae với nhiều năm kinh nghiệm tích lũy khi làm sách về trẻ sơ sinh, thiếu nhi, tiểu học, trung học, v.v, đã cho ra đời rất nhiều thể loại sách đa dạng. Chúng tôi hợp tác với nhiều chuyên gia thuộc nhiều lĩnh vực trong và ngoài nước, không ngừng nỗ lực để tạo ra nhiều tác phẩm truyền đạt tri thức và nội dung ưu tú đến độc giả. 


(Indonesian) Tim editor Chunjae Education terus menerus menerbitkan berbagai macam buku bacaan sesuai kelas umur seperti bayi, anak-anak, anak sekolah dasar dll. Kami berusaha keras untuk dapat menyampaikan pengetahuan yang jelas dan konten luar biasa dengan bekerja sama dengan para ahli di bidangnya masing-masing baik dari luar atau dalam negeri.


(French) S'appuyant sur de nombreuses années d'expérience dans le domaine du développement, le département éditorial de Genius Education publie une variété de livres pour les nourrissons, les enfants, le primaire et le secondaire. Nous travaillons avec des experts dans chaque domaine, au niveau national et international, afin de fournir un contenu de qualité et des connaissances précises.


(Japanese) チョンジェ教育編集部は長年蓄積された開発経験をもとに、乳幼児、児童、小学生、中学生、各年代ごとに多様な図書を出版しています。韓国国内外の各分野の専門家と協業しながら素晴らしいコンテンツと正確な知識を伝達するために最善を尽くしています。


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