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Oh My God! (DNA Can Tell You ALL)


Choi Jaehun


YeaRimDang Publishing Co., Ltd.


Children's Other Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand
  • Publication Date

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Book Intro

(English) Oh My God! (DNA Can Tell You ALL)

When we encounter amazing events that widen our eyes or discover something new, we shout: "Oh my god!"

For elementary school students full of curiosity, the world of science will be a series of “Oh my god!”

This is especially true in the age of cutting-edge science that develops day by day, such as these days.

This series synthesizes fairy tales and cartoons, and one can enjoy the emotions of fairy tales and the excitement of cartoons at the same time. It can also quickly satisfies overflowing curiosity by selecting and introducing science-related materials. 

About the Author

Choi Jaehun

(English) The author is active in various fields such as fairy tales, columns, and cartoon scenarios, and writes fabulous and emotive writings. Main works include the novel "Shelium" and the fairy tale "The Adventures of Duduri", and He participated in writing of various learning cartoons, including "The Whole Comic Book of Korean History", "Evaluations of Cartoon Characters", "Why, People?"   "Who?" and the "Dragon Village-Science School Survival" series


(Indonesian) Penulis aktif membuat berbagai konten untuk dinikmati anak-anak dan para remaja melalui konten cross-learning pembelajaran komik & buku budaya anak remaja, game edutainment online, dll. Ia berpartisipasi dalam menulis berbagai kartun pembelajaran, termasuk 「Mentor Impian」, 「Misi Terobosan Pertempuran Sains」, 「Hello My Job」, seri  「who?」, 『No.1 Ilmu Sastra No.1 Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam』, serta seri 「Live Sains」 dan 「Oh My God」.


(Japanese) 学習漫画や青少年教養書、オンラインエデュテインメントゲームなど、子どもや青少年が楽しく勉強できる様々なコンテンツを作っています。『夢のメント』、『ミッション突破科学バトル』、『ハローマイジョブ』、『who?』シリーズ、『文科1等理科1等』、『Live科学』シリーズをはじめとする複数の学習漫画執筆に参加しました。


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