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Candy Rain






Genre Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #Young Adult
  • #Sci-Fi
  • #Humanoid
  • #Disaster
  • #2023 K-Book Copyright Market

Copyright Contact

Park Miae

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    130 * 200

In order to survive in the world that is covered by the beautiful but cursed candy rain, they need to find out the “candy human” that is hiding among the real human beings.

Book Intro

Candy Rain




* Candy Rain and the Blue-White Castle?

As a side effect of the worldwide nuclear experiment, colorful candy rain comes down from the sky. However, the gift that the beautiful candy rain has brought to the human race is death. Ma Sian, who lost her family because of the candy rain, has just woken up from her year-long sleep in the Blue-White Castle, the only shelter for the human race. As soon as Sian woke up, she had to join the execution voting by which once you are designated, you cannot live any longer. They would vote again and again until they found the “candy human,” the humanoid robot that had infiltrated the Blue White Castle pretending to be a human beings.  

Zion, who has taken care of Sian while she was asleep for a year, gives a piece of advice: You must be sure to see everything in person and decide for yourself. 


* Candy Humans and Real Humans?

The surprising secret of the candy rain is that if you have it after refining it, you can live an everlasting life. Sian is informed about Candy Rain, the Blue and White Castle, and the candy human by Zion. Then, she begins to collect information to find the candy human that drives people to death. The candy human used to be the machine collecting the crystals of the candy rain on behalf of human beings. The vicious candy rain, like a god, differentiated humans from machines; therefore, scientists wanted to make machines look more like humans by installing high intelligence. Unfortunately, the result was the opposite of what was intended. The candy human claimed that it is a human not in order to sacrifice itself, but in order not to be sacrificed. 

Sian even finds that it was the candy human that killed her parents, and she also realizes that all the voting members are people with strangely distorted minds.


* What Is a Human Being?

Sian does her best, but she repeatedly fails at searching out the candy human. The harder they tried, the more people died. In a dead-end situation, Sian tries to rely on Zion; however, it is impossible. Zion never has the same thoughts as Sian. The two are completely separate individuals. Sian feels lonely from the fact that she cannot have the same thoughts as Zion, who is her one and only friend. In the end, Luna who is in the same voting group as Sian lashes out the abusive words of “the one who will kill everyone” to Sian.

The voting group members and the circumstances of the Blue and White Palace. Sian is afraid of everything.  


* Who Are We eventually?

They are closing in more and more to find who the candy human is. While finding significant clues one by one for herself, Sian realizes an important fact, which is that her voting members are hiding something. Sian wants to trust Zion more than anyone else. However, Zion’s mind is hidden in a veil of mystery. Unable to know his mind, Sian almost falls into the pit of despair.

While the truth looks beautiful when it is far away, once you come closer to it, it is like the candy rain giving you the gift of death. Sian moves perilously toward the cruel truth. Will she be able to overcome her fear and confront the truth? Who is the candy human that hides among the real humans? Sian takes heart and takes a step forward. 

About the Author


(English) A diligent writer who is also a sleepyhead.

With her novel Denture and No Good, Cheongye was accepted to the 4th Kyobo Book Centre Story Creator program and signed a video license agreement in 2021. She won the grand prize in Com2uS Corp Global Contents Literature in 2021 with her If I Had Supernatural Powers, the First Thing Would Be Make Dad Disappear and won the excellence award in short stories of the 9th Kyobo Book Centre Story Contest with the “Wednesday Youth Rich Club.” Cheongye was also the grand prize winner of the 1st K-Story Contest with her Forget-Me-Not Restaurant and the 2nd K-Story Contest with The Universe in Rainstorm consecutively. She has published the “Brilliant Death” in the Genre Novels of the Month 7 and “Angel Azul” in the Genre Novels of the Month 8.


(Chinese) 每天睡懒觉,但写作非常勤快的人。

《假牙大叔和没出息青年》是2021年教保文库故事创作者第四期精选作品,并已签订影像版权合同。《如果有特异功能,先除掉爸爸吧!》2021年获得Com2us全球文化资讯文学奖最优秀奖。以《Wednesday Youth Rich Club》获得第九届教保文库故事征文短篇优秀奖。《勿忘草食堂》、《暴雨中的宇宙》分别获得第一届、第二届 Ridi K-Story 征文最优秀奖。《绚烂的死亡》刊载于“本月类型小说 7”;《Ángel Azul》刊载于“本月类型小说 8”。

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