- Overview
- Book Intro
(English) We're Family, But We're Strangers
The wounds of the heart, large or small, received in childhood remain intact. And those wounds suddenly reveal their presence in everyday life. Many people decide not to live like their parents who hurt them when they were a kid. However, it is common to pass on the wounds received from them to their husbands and children.
"We're family, but we're strangers" is an autobiographical story of the author who tried not to inherit his wounds by studying counseling and art therapy, he took a step deeper into himself, reconciled with his inner child, and understood and forgave his family who had hurt him. Reconciliation with his childhood wounds naturally improves his current relationships. Repressed desires and unhealed wounds must be looked back on to solve current problems.
(Japanese) 家族だけど他人です
(Chinese) 虽然是家人 但却是他人
无论大小,小时候受到的伤害都会原封不动地留在心里。 而且这种伤痛在日常生活中突如其来地表现出了存在感。 很多人决心不再像小时候伤害我的父母那样活着。 但是,从他们那里受到的伤害原封不动地传给丈夫、孩子的情况比比皆是。
虽然是家人,但却是他人。这是作者咬紧牙关,为了不把自己的伤痛代代相传而努力的自传性故事。 他在学习商谈学和美术治疗的过程中,一步一步深入到了自己的内心,与自己的内心孩子和解,理解并原谅了伤害自己的家人。 与幼年时期的伤痛和解的话,现在的关系自然也会变好。 只有回顾被压抑的欲望和无法愈合的伤口,现在的问题才能得到解决。
- About the Author
Won Jungmi
(Japanese) アメリカで美術療法とカウンセリング心理を学び、3人の子供を産み育てながら傷ついた内なる子供と向き合い、人間の内面を探求し、自分でも知らなかった自分の姿を探し始める。現在、カリフォルニアにある「Child & Family Counseling Group」で心理療法士として活動している。