- Overview
As a spin-off of the Teacher Beanface series, this book is a tale about the childhood of an ordinary but extraordinary teacher, Beanface.
- Book Intro
(English) Small Bean Kid
Kim Shin-hyung, a girl like a “small bean” with a round face and dark complexion, has five older brothers. She lives with her grandmother, who is a bit distant, and her mother, who is always busy. Although they are a large family, her family doesn’t play with Small Bean Kid. Outside the family’s attention, Small Bean Kid is always alone.
Kim Shin-hyung is ordinary and extraordinary at the same time. She sees a shudder-bug that others can't see and ghosts that make “chi-chi-chi” sounds. Small Bean Kid has unique experiences in everyday life. The characters in the story remind us of our familiar neighbors, making us feel special about our ordinary lives and value our family.
A story born at the request of readers
This story is the sequel to the second volume of the Teacher Beanface series. While the Teacher Beanface series features an unfriendly but fascinating adult as the main character, this story talks about her childhood.
The fact that a sequel is coming out proves that readers have loved the first story and characters. This book tells the story of Teacher Beanface's fun childhood as if solving a mystery about how the charming character came to be.
The story of an elementary school like Mom and Dad's
The story is set in the 1980s and 1990s when generations lived together in harmony. When they were young, what kind of games did Mom and Dad play? What was their school life like?
The book contains fascinating stories about the childhood of a young person's parents. The times and circumstances were different, but the relationships back then and now are the same. Sometimes characters fight, but the book shows how conflicts can be resolved if people understand and care for each other. Readers can broaden their understanding and empathy for different kinds of people.
A story that reflects the writer's childhood
Reflecting the author's childhood, various characters and backstories popped out of the writer's memory to be blended into the story. The anecdotes derived from the author's experiences give the story authenticity. Empathizing with these characters you might encounter in everyday life, you can easily imagine the situations even in a fantasy setting.
- About the Author
Yoon Yeorim
(English) I can’t say enough how happy I was that the book Teacher Deadpan Smiled, which came before Teacher Deadpan Smiled Again, was so well-loved. Teacher Deadpan didn't show it but she, too, must have been overjoyed. Although I didn’t even ask her, she readily related the stories of her students from second semester. There are also tales of her childhood and secrets concealed here and there in the book. So please look for them! Yoon Yeorim has written Boxworld, Teacher Beanface series, Small Bean Kid, and Mr. Otter, Become a Writer.
Kim Go-eun
(English) Kim Goeun studied mathematics and then moved to Germany and studied visual design. She currently lives in a small town in Germany and works on illustrations for children’s books. She wrote and illustrated the books Should I Get Up or Not?; Hiccup; The Kidnapping of My Family; Snow Planet; and A Slightly Strange Trip. She illustrated books including Mom’s Worry Factory, The Mysterious Compliment Account, The Giant’s Favorite Flavor, and The Class President Who Got a Score of 3.
(Japanese) 幼い時、お母さんとお父さんが喧嘩をすると、いつもその間であたふたしていました。姉に助けてほしいとも思っていました。ところが時間が経つと、みんなどこかで何かの間に板挟みになってうろたえたり、時には苦しい思いもしながら、それでも輪の中で暮らしているんだと思うようになりました。そんな話を絵本に込めたかったのです。大学で数学を学んだ後、ドイツへ行って視覚デザインを勉強しました。今はドイツの小さな村で暮らしながら子供向けの本の絵を描いています。「オー・マイ・おばあちゃん(OMG grandma)」、「お母さんの心配工場(Mom's Worry Factory)」などの子供向けの本の絵を描きました。
(Vietnamese) Sau khi học chuyên ngành toán ở trường đại học, đã đến Đức để học thiết kế thị giác. Hiện nay đang sinh sống tại một thị trấn nhỏ ở Đức và vẽ tranh cho sách thiếu nhi. Những cuốn sách sáng tác và vẽ tranh minh hoạ bao gồm 『Vụ bắt cóc của gia đình tôi』 và 『Nấc cục』, vàtruyên vẽ tranh minh hoạn gồm có 『Trang nhật ký nói chuyện』 và 『Cuốn sách khen ngợi đáng ngờ』.