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How can the sky be hardened?


Shin Weonmi

Ae Syung


A thousand hope


Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Environmental Protection
  • #Environmental Pollustion
  • #Co-Exitence
  • #Peace
  • #Courage

Copyright Contact

Song Soohyun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    152 * 210

A children’s tale about the “hardened sky” and how birds were deprived of their freedom to fly.

Book Intro

The birds were getting injured one by one in the forest because of the “hardened sky.” The “hardened sky,” which is a menace to the birds, was actually a glass house people built in the woods. Because it is transparent the birds cannot see it and therefore they keep colliding against it, wounding themselves. The birds all gather to discuss a way to fight against the “hardened sky.” Will the birds be able to freely fly again in the sky like before?


The reason why the birds keep getting injured


It was actually a “glass house” that the birds of the forest believed to be the hardened sky. People built a “glass house” and named it a “Forest Café.” In order to build the grand “Forest Café” people barge into the forest, cut down trees, dig up the ground, and then start construction work. It’s the birds that have to suffer damage because of their selfishness. This book is special in that the environmental problem is seen from the birds’ point of view. Readers will empathize with the fear and the sense of crisis the birds are experiencing, as well as come to a grasp from the birds’ position the problem of what the animals are subject to as a result of environmental destruction—and thereby be presented with the opportunity to reflect on crucial environmental issues.


The gratifying revenge of the birds against the “hardened sky”


The birds make a resolute vow not to remain powerless victims in the face of the “hardened sky.” Therefore, they all gather to find a way to vanquish it. 


A single bird is too small and fragile a creature to confront the enormous “glass house.” But when all the birds of the forest come together, then they have incredible power. In the disappointing moments, when things do not go their way, they do not despair, thanks to their neighbor and fellow birds and continue fighting against their plight. What could be the ingenious and cheerful method that the birds come up with to fight against the “hardened sky”?


The story of birds told in zany writing and with sophisticated illustrations


Many birds that you can see in the forest appear in this book. It’s not only the birds with powerful character but also the blue sky, green bushes, and trees, as well as flowers in their unique and brilliant colors that will captivate the reader’s attention. 


Readers will get great enjoyment out of the wel-lwritten story and beautiful pictures of this book.

About the Author

Shin Weonmi

The author majored in church music at Yonsei University and was active as an church organist for a long time. She wanted to write stories of her imagination through music, writing, and artwork; therefore, she studied at Children’s Literature School.

Ae Syung

(English) Born in 1987, Ae Syung now works as a comic artist and an illustrator. She wrote and illustrated Pepe’s Marvelous Paintings and Stereo, a Sentence Collector. 


(Russian) Эшун работает иллюстратором в разных областях. Она написала и нарисовала лююстрации к таким книгам как сказка с картинками «Прекрасные картины Пепе», «Коллекционер предложений, Стерео», комиксам «Ритм и ритм» а также сборнику коротких комиксов «История о пыли». Кроме того она также проилллюстрировала такие сказки как «Великое приключение мыши» и «Надоело стирать белье».


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