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Reflection of You


Chung So-hyun


Moonji Publishing Co., Ltd.


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #Korean literature
  • #novel collection
  • #Jung Sohyun

Copyright Contact

Yun SeoHee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    120 * 188

The collection of novels, Reflection of You, offers a taste of both suspense and warmth.

Book Intro

"*Includes the original novel of JTBC drama Reflection of You!** 


Author Jung Sohyun is known for her accurate and shrewd way of tracing the contradiction of the world. Her first collection of novels Humans with Mistakes (2012) has now been reprinted into Reflection of You (2021), which includes the original novel of the JTBC drama Reflection of You. The new edition presents eight novels that are refined and reordered to be read in a new rhythm. 

“I” in “Reflection of You” relates a poverty-ridden childhood of someone who finally obtains a stable life that she has desperately desired: a country house in a peaceful suburban area thanks to her husbands’ family’s affluence, her gentle spouse who offers full support both physically and mentally, her two well-bred and healthy children, and her title as an “artist who had studied abroad.” And one day, a forgotten memory finds its way back to her. 

The characters in Jung’s novels are haunted by the past in one way or another. And the author digs into their distorted psychology by unveiling their past that they wish to undo or hide. Growing up, most fathers in her works commit suicide (“Passed Present,” “Return”). If not, they irresponsibly neglect their own children (“The Story of Hard Cover Book Copies”). Parenting is solely left to the mothers, and for survival, the emphasis is placed on their superego that “reprimands and punishes.” Either directly or indirectly, the child is not properly looked after, abused, and abandoned. And her stories start from here. The children with internal wounds grow up to be “Humans with Mistakes.” They become enervated, without any motivation in life, and their stuttering is nothing out of the ordinary. The wound stays forever. These children do not live in the present—they are “torn into pieces and scattered across the past” (“Reflection of You”). 


Sometimes, their heinous acts strike the reader as nothing special, because first, Jung’s tone remains calm and dry, and second, we “can’t differentiate accidents from intentions” as we follow the characters’ actions. If we define “cold-blooded” as negligence in dealing with people’s emotions, then the biggest victims of their cold-blooded attitude are themselves. And the author merely places their hideousness inside the story, with neither affirmation nor denial. "


About the Author

Chung So-hyun

Born in 1975 in Seoul, author Jung Sohyun earned her B.A in art from Hongik University and creative writing from Seoul Institute of the Arts. Her literary career began in 2008 when her The Story of Hard Cover Book Copies won the annual spring literary contest hosted by Munhwa Ilbo. Later, she received the 1st Young Author Award in 2010, the 3rd Young Author Award in 2012, and Kim Jun-seong Literary Award in 2013. Her works include the novel collections, Humans with Mistakes (reprinted as Reflection of You) and Life with Dignity, and the novella Assailants.


Kim Jun-seong Literary Award, 21st Century Literature (2013)

Young Author Award, Munhakdongne (2012)

Young Author Award, Munhakdongne (2010)


Yu Bo-ra (screenwriter of Secret Love, Just Between Lovers, and Reflection of You), 2021: “I saw the immense power of narrative that makes readers dwell on it over and over again after finishing the last chapter.”

Bestseller Rank

Ranked 26th in the October bestsellers on Aladin (2021)

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