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I Am Thankful for My Dog
: About the time spent with your dog


Yu Gye-yeong

Min Gu

Sim Boseon

Park Jun




Literature & Fiction


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Poem
  • #Pet Dog
  • #Dogs
  • #Love
  • #Sorrow

Copyright Contact

Son Moonkyung

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    128 * 207

A book of love poems by poets for their dogs.

Book Intro

This is an anthology of love poems by twenty poets for their dogs. It includes the pictures of the poets' dogs, poems they wrote, short passages, and illustrations, which describe the joys and sadness of living with a dog. 


To live with a dog


What does it mean to be with a dog? In an age where there are more than ten million South Koreans with pets, including mostly dogs, this question is essential. The poets responded to it through poems and prose. The poet, Nam Ji-eun said, "To be with a dog signifies looking after another life besides mine. From birth to death, the sparkle of another entity permeates my whole being." Park Si-ha, another poet, confessed that since he has been with a dog, he has become "a poet of dogs” and the world he views has turned luminous, as though a bright filter has been placed on his vision. Sim Boseon, too, wrote, "I've learned what death and parting are about from puppies," and that part of his soul was cultivated through them.


Thus, as seen in this book, dogs are not only humanity's oldest friend but should be regarded as almost a blood relation of a different species as well as the first teacher who has taught people what love and parting are about.


* Co-authors : Yu Gye-yeong; Gang Ji-hye; Kim Sang-hyeok; Kim So-hyeong; Nam Ji-eun; Min Gu; Park Si-ha; Park Jun; Seo Yun-hu; Seong Da-yeong; Song Seung-eon; Sim Boseon; An Mi-ok; An Tae-un; Weon Seong-eun; Yu Hyeong-jin; Im Sol-ah; Jeong Da-yeon; Choi Hyeon-wu

About the Author

Yu Gye-yeong

Yu Gye-yeong first published her work in Hyundae Literature in 2010. She wrote the following books of poetry: Noon of All Kinds of Things, I Can Now Talk About Innocence, and Is This Kind of Talk a Bit Dizzying?


Min Gu

Min Gu debuted as a poet after winning the Chosun Daily New Writer’s Award in 2009 and wrote the following books of poems: The Boat Is Headed to the Mountain and Summer Is Prerequisite for Your Arrival. 


Sim Boseon

Sim Boseon is a poet and sociologist. He debuted as a poet after winning the Chosun Daily New Writer’s Award in 1994. He is the author of If I Had to Kill Someone, I Am Not So Sure, Today, Person Not Here, and Fifteen Seconds Without Sorrow

Park Jun

(English) Park Jun was born in Seoul in 1983, and made his debut in 2008 with Silcheon Literature in 2008. He has published the collection of poems, I Could Endure a Few Days with Your Name, We Can See the Monsoon Rain Together and a collection of essays, Nothing Changes Even if You Cry. He has won the Shin Dong-yeop Literary Award and Today's Young Artist Award.


(Japanese) 1983年にソウルで生まれ、2008年『実践文学』でデビューした。詩集『あなたの名前をつけて数日は食べた』、『私たち一緒に梅雨を見ることになりそうです』、散文集『泣いて変わることは何もないが』、『季節散文』、詩絵本『私たちはこんにちは』を出した。絵作家キム・ハンナは、『ほこり記録者』、『ほこりがおならする音』などの展示を行った。日光に反射してきらめくほこりのようなことを沢山集めて、絵と文でゆっくり記録している。


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