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Horai-Fried eggs


Seo Hyun




Picture Books


0~2 years old
3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium

Copyright Contact

Kang Hyunjoo

  • Publication Date

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Book Intro


Horai, a fried egg, used to live on a bowl of rice. But now Horai roams freely through time and space. Sometimes, Horai pretends to be a hat on top of a child’s head and other times becomes a blanket on top of dad. Also, Horai feels the breeze on top of a car while striking a pose. Look at Horai, who was squished by a child’s bum during a play date, just to be reincarnated inside a watermelon. These moments in the book are interestingly unpredictable.


Horai flies anywhere it pleases without a care. It even goes underground and visits hell like it’s nothing. Horai has been to heaven as well, after all! How different could it be? The brilliant and bizarre adventures of Horai are very fun to read. It feels like the author is extending an inviting hand to the reader by only placing one drawing and one short sentence per page, saying “There’s too much space in this picture book for me to play alone!”

Horai is a book anyone can enjoy by opening up their five senses, and going with the flow. The author creates sensory images and makes the reader look at mundane things from a different perspective. 

About the Author

Seo Hyun

(English) Born in 1982 in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, Seo Hyun is a picture book writer with witty illustrations and stories full of live bold and rich expressions. Seo Hyun graduated from Hongik University with a major in Painting and studied illustration in HILLS. Seo has been trying various expressions with cartoonish imaginations because she has always liked cartoons since she was a little child. Her goal is to create humorous picture books that everyone can enjoy. Picture books with illustrations Seo has drawn include The Strange Keyring, Poop Science Museum and Drinking the Moon. Books Seo has written include Ocean of Tears and Running Electrons and Flowing Electrics.


(French) C'est aussi un voyageur qui vole dans sa tête à la recherche d'un humour caché comme un sifflet jaune. Nous travaillons avec des livres d'images et fabriquons des jouets artistiques. Il a reçu le prix 2017 des publications et de la culture coréennes pour le livre d'images "Chatouillements". Le livre que j'ai écrit et dessiné, "Mer de larmes", a grandi !


(Vietnamese) Tác tốt nghiệp Khoa Hội họa tại Đại học Hongik và theo học ngành minh họa tại trường minh họa Hàn Quốc (Hills). Tác phẩm tiêu biểu có 《Những đứa trẻ dính vào bảng đen》 và 《Chuỗi chìa khóa kỳ lạ》, và đã vừa sáng tác vừa vẽ 《Biển nước mắt》, 《Cao lên rồi!》


(Indonesian) Penulis adalah orang yang melakukan satu hal yang menarik pada satu hari. Untuk mencari humor yang tersembunyi, penulis berkelana di pikiran. Karena ia menyukai membuat dan menggambar sesuatu, saat ini penulis membuat buku bergambar dan mainan berseni. Penulis telah menghasilkan berbagai karya antara lain " Lautan Tangis", "Tambah besar!", "geli".


(Japanese) 一日に一つずつ面白いことをしながら過ごします。隠れたユーモアを探して頭の中をさまよう旅人でもあります。作ったり描くことが好きで絵本作業もし、アートトイも作っています。いろんな子供の本に絵を描いて、絵本『涙の海』『大きくなった!』『こちょこちょ』を発刊しました


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