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Toddling Steps


Han Taehee


kidari publishing


Picture Books


0~2 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #baby; mother; stroll; picnic; footprint; step; season

Copyright Contact

Michael Kim

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    180 * 165

A picture book about a mom and a baby taking a walk outside, playing with butterflies in a colorful field of flowers and watching cute squirrels running on narrow paths.

Book Intro

This picture book tells the story of a toddler's encounter with nature's beauty. The baby visits a grass field filled with earthy scents, a colorful field of flowers, narrow paths with fallen leaves rustling on the ground, and a sandy beach where waves splash. The cute little footprints in the book give the impression that the baby is actually walking before our eyes. The plants and animals the baby meets along the way show up seamlessly so that the baby can get familiar with the new creatures. The beautiful illustrations have successfully captured the different seasons, which allows for the emotional development of babies. It's a perfect picture book to read before or after a stroll.

The book repeatedly uses a variety of mimetic words that babies can learn, such as "toddle," "flutter," and "hop." Readers may practice using these words in reality when they are out taking a walk.

Most pages have the baby's footprints, except for the highlight of the story when the mother appears. The toddler is always walking ahead of his mother, but the fact that she will always stay by his side offers a emotional stability.

About the Author

Han Taehee

(English) Han Taehee studied art. Han wrote and illustrated around 40 picture books. Han spends her days creating interesting drawings. Han also held an exhibition titled “A Travel into a Cloud.” Han illustrated Solmi’s Travel in a Night Sky, Cloud Play, and A Palm Dinosaur. Han always feels thankful for her hands that have allowed her to draw lovely illustrations for children over the years.


(Japanese) 美術を専攻し(学び)、(40冊余りの絵本を作ってきた。)毎日面白い絵を描いている。『童話の中への旅』という個展を開催し、『ソルミの夜空旅行』、『雲遊び』、『指恐竜』など、これまで40冊余りの絵本を作ってきた(の作品を描いた ※原文そのものが不自然なので、まとめました)。たくさんの子どもたちに愛される絵本を長年黙々と描いてきた自分の手に感謝しながら暮らしている。


(Russian) Изучал искусство. Написал и нарисовал около 40 книжек с картинками, и каждый день рисует интересные картинки. Организовал выставку 'Путешествие в сказку', на которой представлены такие работы, как 'Ночное небо Сольми', 'Игра в облаках' и 'Акула с ладошку'. 'Чувствую себя счастливым, когда раскрашиваю ладони'.


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