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MI Carrer Story - Henry Ford


Ji-an Yang

Jeong In Seong, Cheon bok ju

Bok ju, Cheon




Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #2021 Visiting Korean Book Fair North America
  • #Video Conference

Copyright Contact

Jang Jieun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    200 * 260

Book Intro

MI Career Story is a book for children's career education. Through the career path  of eight intelligence-specific figures in multi-intelligence theory, it has integrated the character's aptitude and job information which help children navigate their career path and design their future.

Among them, Henry Ford is the story of Henry Ford, an automobile engineer.


(French) <MI Histoire de carrière _ La voiture Ford>

MI Histoire de carrière est un livre pour l'éducation professionnelle des enfants contentant les aptitudes et les informations professionnelles des huit personnages sélectionnés à travers la théorie de l'intelligence multiple. Le livre permet aux enfants d’explorer leur chemin de carrière et de concevoir leur propre avenir. 

Parmi, La voiture Ford est l’histoire d’Henry Ford, un ingénieur automobile. 


About the Author

Ji-an Yang

After studying in the children's book writer classroom, the author was awarded at the MBC Creative Fairy Tale Grand Prize with Do You Know the Caterpillar?. As writing this book, the author realized that working hard on what I like can make it become a 'good job' and it could be a 'awesome work'.


(French) Les auteurs étudient à l’école des écrivains de livres pour enfants et ont remporté le grand prix MBC conte de fée créatif avec leur livre La chenille le sait-elle?. En écrivant ce livre, ils reconnaissent encore une fois que c'est « une chose merveilleuse » de transformer ce que «on aime »en ce que «on fait du bon travail » en travaillant dur. 

Jeong In Seong, Cheon bok ju

Jeong In-seong and Cheon Bok-ju majored in engraving at Hongik University. As an illustrator couple, they write and draw interesting subjects taken from their experiences wandering about.

Their works include Kicking a Ball, A Story of a Village Community That Shares and Helps Each Other, and A Happy Child Farmer.

Bok ju, Cheon

(English) A married couple painter who studied prints in college and work on art collaboration. I like to wander around, then write or draw fun things that I see or feel.

(Indonesian) Jung insong dan Cheon Bokju adalah pasangan suami istri yang belajar seni grafis di universitas dan menggambar bersama. Mereka suka pergi ke sana kemari dan menulis hal-hal yang menarik atau menggambar yang mereka suka. Karya gambar mereka berdua antara lain, 'Duar! Balon meletus karena bola", "Pengetahuan Umum : 100 Tempat Peninggalan Sejarah Dunia".

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