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Farewell to the Hurtfulness
: Meeting the real you hiding behind painful feelings


Son Jungyeon


Daewon C.I. Inc.


Humanities & Society



Overseas Licensing


  • #Trauma
  • #hurt
  • #pain
  • #wound
  • #maturity
  • #self-esteem
  • #psychology
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 ASEAN
  • #Video Conference
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan

Copyright Contact

Lee Hanbyeol

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    120 * 188

This book contains psychology lessons to help readers properly break away from all the pain that makes life difficult.

Book Intro

(English) Farewell to the Hurtfulness

We all deal with pain and hurt each other in our lives. The type and scope of such wounds are immeasurable, from childhood trauma that lasts into adulthood to major or minor wounds given and received in human relationships. However, not everyone deals with this in the same way. Some people use it as an opportunity to heal, reflect, and move on to become more mature people, and others ignore the pain and react emotionally to create bigger wounds. This is why we need to know how to deal with our emotional suffering. This book explains thoughtful ways to help readers psychologically manage their pain so that they don't lose their self-esteem and doubt the value of existence due to the wounds they receive. It also helps readers embrace uncomfortable emotions so as not to be shaken and hurt in human relationships.


(Japanese) 傷つけるものとの別れ


About the Author

Son Jungyeon

(English) The happiest thing in the world is to meet 'me.' It still seems, however, that only a small number of people have a mysterious experience of meeting the "real me." Son hopes that her writing, which is not sophisticated but humane, will help readers to have "the moment to meet themselves." She would like to encourage readers with warm-hearted writings to take time to meet themselves, no matter what they are like, with courage. Currently, she works as a lecturer specialized in emotional coaching, healing and anti-stress fields, and the representative of Sostory, Emotion Active Coaching Institute.


(Japanese) 現在、ソストーリー心相談コーチング代表であり、法務部矯正委員と東部拘置所人格委員として活動している。2012年から無料感性癒しの会「心理ヤサロン」を主催し、疎外された人々が苦しい生活の中で自己治癒ができるように適切な心理カウンセリングを行っている。また、癒しの文章を読む集団相談プログラム「32日の慰労」を運営し、文学と芸術が与える癒しの力を通じて、この世では経験できない暖かい励ましを伝えようと絶えず努力している。

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