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Self-esteem Training for Mothers
: I’ll Make a Thousand Mistakes, but I’ll Always Be Your Mom









Overseas Licensing


  • #Self-help for women
  • #self-esteem
  • #training
  • #parenthood
  • #education

Copyright Contact

Lee Yunkyung

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    148 * 210

The return of your favorite “big sister” as the champion of self-esteem!

Book Intro

<Self-esteem Training for Mothers> consists of five chapters. “Chapter One: Understanding the Birth of a Child” deals with where self-esteem comes from. The author says that all children are born with the seed of self-esteem, already aware that “I’m a pretty great person.” Being mother is about helping the child affirm it. In “Chapter Two: Mothering an Adolescent,” she shares her own experience of supporting her child when he quit high school, and stresses that childrearing has to be done from the child’s standpoint, not the mother’s. “Chapter Three: Mom’s Approach To Life Nurtures the Child” suggests ideas on how to frame a child’s worries and experiences in a positive way. And “Chapter Four: Motherhood is an Opportunity” the author provides training methods for mothers to strengthen their self-esteem. The final “Chapter Five: The Smart Life of a Confident Mother” is for mothers who are torn between their dreams and family, or between work and children, and Kim suggests ways to use parenting time wisely so that it does interfere with a woman’s self-growth. Based on her passionate life as a mother of three and a career woman, Mikyung Kim shares her hard-earned wisdom on raising and educating her children. Filled with words of comfort and encouragement, empathy and answers, <Self-esteem Training for Mothers> is the perfect gift for first-time mothers who are lost and searching for answers.

About the Author


Mikyung Kim is one of the best motivational speakers in Korea and the older sister you’ve always wanted who encourages women to chase their dreams and thrive. But at home, she is a mother who raises three children herself. Twenty-eight years since the birth of her first child, she shares the stories and lessons from her experience with motherhood. As all mothers would agree, being a mother was not an easy job for her, but she has always believed that she was raising her children with decent philosophy and integrity. Then a few years ago, her second child declared that he was going to drop out of high school. This made her rethink her approach to motherhood and really ask herself if she had been a good mother. She came out of this tough phase with one realization: The best gift a mother can give her children is the strength to accept failures and keep their chin up hardship, also known as self-esteem. Just as dreams keep housewives happy, strong self-esteem makes children happy. Warmhearted person that she is, Mikyung Kim offers a helping hand to mothers going through the same trial and error. She empathizes with and supports them wholeheartedly and sometimes gives them stern admonition, too. This book contains advice she has given to thousands of mothers in Korea. In order to boost the children’s self-esteem, mothers also need to have strong self-esteem. Mikyung Kim, who confronted readers with the brutal truth in Truth Time and reminded women everywhere of their dreams with A Wife with Dreams Never Grows Old, is back as the champion of self-esteem ready to offer warm encouragement to the countless first-time mothers out there who are lost and searching for the correct answer to motherhood.


No. 1 bestseller in South Korea (pre-order figures)

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