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Han-A from Earth


Chung Serang




Genre Literature


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Love
  • #Space
  • #Romance
  • #Aliens
  • #Graphic Novels
  • #2020 Gothenburg Book Fair

Copyright Contact

Lee Youngeun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    135 * 196

Extremely rare type of love story between alien Gyeong-Min and Han-A from Earth

Book Intro

I traveled 10 thousand light years to be with you! 

This extremely rare type of love story is between alien Gyeong-Min and Han-A from Earth. This is the second full-length novel by Chung Serang, who received the Changbi Prize in Novel and the Hankook Ilbo Literary Award. 

Han-A has a boyfriend of 11 years named Gyeong-Min who she liked since she was 20. Unlike Han-A, who likes to stay in familiar places, Gyeong-Min is carefree and goes to Canada alone in the summer to watch a meteor shower. Han-A was emotionally hurt by Gyeong-Min, who didn't consider her circumstances, but convinces herself that resignation is also a part of affection.

Han-A becomes concerned after she hears the news that a meteor fell in Canada, creating a disturbance. Gyeong-Min came back safely but he has become somewhat unfamiliar. He no longer has a large scar on his arm and he finds seasoned eggplants delicious even though he hated them before. Above all, he always made Han-A wait but he now pays attention to Han-A at all times and gives Han-A the feeling that "they are closer." Hana-A becomes suspicious of the new Gyeong-Min and his strange behavior. She is confused, thinking that something is going wrong…….

About the Author

Chung Serang

(English) Chung Serang was born in 1984 in Seoul. Chung started her career as a writer in 2010 with her work Dream, Dream, Dream, in the literary magazine Fantastic. In 2013, Chung received the 7th Changbi Novel Award with her novel This Close. Novels Chung has written include I Want to See the Snaggletooth, Only One Han-a on Earth, This Close, Jaein, Jaewook, and Jaehoon and School Nurse Ahn Eunyoung. Chung also participated in the story collection Fortunately Graduating.


(Japanese) 1984年ソウル生まれ。2010年『ファンタスティック』に『夢、夢、夢』を発表し、作品活動を開始。2013年『このくらい近くに』でチャンビ長編小説賞を、2017年『フィフティ・ピープル』で韓国日報文学賞を受賞。小説集『屋上で会いましょう』、『声をあげます』、『アラの小説』、長編小説『八重歯が見たい』、『地球でハナだけ』『ジェイン、ジェウク、ジェフン』、『保健教師アン・ウンヨン』『視線から』、散文集『地球人ほど地球を愛すことはできない』などがある。

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