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The Gift of Ant Fairies


Shin Sun-mi


Changbi Publishers, Inc.


Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Picture Books
  • #2020 Gothenburg Book Fair
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium

Copyright Contact

Ally Bang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    237 * 299

This heartwarming picture book arouses a sense of nostalgia for childhood and love for family.

Book Intro

(French) Cadeau de la fée des fourmis

Maman et grand-mère regardent l'album photo défraîchi et partagent de vieux souvenirs. À cette époque, ma grand-mère regrette encore de ne pas avoir pu la serrer dans ses bras parce qu'elle était occupée. Lorsque l'enfant appelle les "fées fourmis" et demande comment faire plaisir à sa grand-mère, elles lui remettent un cadeau très spécial. 

Complété par de belles et sophistiquées techniques de coloriage traditionnel, le livre d'images met en scène un mystérieux voyage vers l'époque où votre grand-mère et votre mère vous manquent le plus, en portant des vêtements offerts par une fée fourmi. C'est un livre d'images sympathique qui évoque la nostalgie et l'amour familial de l'enfance.


(English) The Gift of Ant Fairies

In the conclusion, mother and grandmother return to a time they miss the most, thanks to the help of the ant fairies, and hug each other tight. The conclusion is described in a beautiful, mystical way. Next to grandmother and mother, who have returned to when grandmother was young and mother was a child, are the ant fairies that travel between reality and the world of imagination as well as the child who is drawn to be the same size as the fairies, thus enriching the overflowing sense of emotions. This picture book is made all the more charming by adding fantasy elements to a heartwarming story that arouses a sense of nostalgia for childhood and love for family.


The Gift of Ant Fairies is a picture book that tells the story of a longing for the past that is hidden inside our hearts and the warm sense of love among family members, using traditional colored pictures. Just like when we look at a dusty photograph album, the picture book brings back memories of precious moments in the past and those we loved back in those times. The blank space that was created by boldly omitting the background will be filled with precious moments and times that the readers miss and have engraved in their minds. 

About the Author

Shin Sun-mi

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