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Luck Is On Its Way


Lee kkochnim


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Adolescent Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #"Novel for young adults; luck; miracle; friendship; football; transcendent being; domestic violence; winner of the Munhakdongne Literature Award for Young Adults "

Copyright Contact

Bokee Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    140 * 205

The novel is written uniquely from a viewpoint of the “goddess of luck,” and tells the story of two fifteen-year-olds who are in great need of luck.

Book Intro

It is the winner of the 8th Munhakdongne Liturature Award for Young Adults, written by the same author of I’ll come over to you across the world.


Could I become your lucky star?

It is people who make your life miserable,

But then again it is also people who make your life bearable.


Yi Kkot-nim, the best-seller author has come out after two-and-a-half-year hiatus with a new novel for young adults. Her book, I’ll come over to you across the world, was the winner of the 8th Munhakdongne Literature for Young Adults Award that moved not only countless readers but the judges as well. It is still considered by many as their life-changing book; it has been published in Taiwan and will soon be available in Japan. The book with its gripping narrative will be turned into a T.V. drama and a movie. 


Her new book, Luck Is on Its Way, is about the children who are exposed to violence at home, a place where it should be warm and safe, and their story is told by a unique narrator. An entity known as fate, timing, goddess of luck or trickster of fate tells the story. This transcendent being grumbles in a surprisingly cynical tone but watches over the children perpetually with an affectionate gaze. The reassuring words that luck is approaching and that it will undoubtedly help you deliver a heartwarming message for the reader.


But the novel in the end wants to bring the reader’s attention not to the omniscient and transcendent being but to the human presence. That is because it is only when you have the will to recue yourself or someone in need then luck will finally take action. The courage of two fifteen-year-old boys to help their friends in danger, and the child who is so weary that she wants to give up on everything but who finally opens her heart to them make the readers realize that we can all become the bringer of each other’s luck. 


It is people who make life horrific but it is also the people who make it bearable. It may be difficult to accept that a kind gaze and attention could change someone’s life but that in fact is the secret to life. It is once more time to be inspired by the miracle the author offers through her story. 


About the Author

Lee kkochnim

(English) Lee Kkochnim received the 8th Munhakdongne Youth Literature Award for her book I Will Cross the World to Get to You. Her other works include young adult novels including The Kid I Want to Kill, Luck is Coming to You, The Boy Who Stole the Name, The Well on B612 (co-authored), Feminism for Girls (co-authored); as well as children’s stories such as The House Where the Villain Lives and The Problem Solver for Ghosts (co-authored).


(Chinese) 凭借《穿越世界走向你》获得第8届文学村青少年文学奖大奖。代表作有青少年小说《想杀死的孩子》《幸运正向你走来》《偷名字的少年》《B612之泉》(合著)《为少女们撰写的女权主义》(合著)童话《恶徒生活的家》《鬼怪烦恼解决师》等。


(Japanese) 『世界を渡って君のもとへ行くよ』(以下原題)で第8回文学トンネ青少年文学賞大賞を受賞した。著書にヤングアダルト小説『当たり前に私はあなたを』『殺したい子』『幸運が君に近付いている』『名前を盗んだ少年』『B612の泉』(共著)、『少女のためのフェミニズム』(共著)、童話『悪党が住む家』『おばけのお悩み解決士』などがある。


(French) Elle a reçu le grand prix de la 8e édition du Prix de littérature jeunesse Munhakdongne pour « Je traverserai le monde pour te retrouver ». Elle a écrit les romans jeunesse « Bien sûr, de toi je suis… », « L’enfant que je veux tuer », « La fortune vient à toi », « Le garçon qui a volé son nom », « Professeur B612 » (co-autrice), « Féminisme  pour jeunes filles » (co-autrice), ainsi que les contes « La maison où vit le méchant »et « Un fantôme qui résout les problèmes ».

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