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Genome Express
: An Intellectual Exploration to Reveal the Truth behind Genes


Jo Jin-ho


Wisdom House, Inc


Science & Technology



Overseas Licensing


  • #Science; general; biology; heredity; hereditary; genetic; gene; DNA; Gregor Mendel; Erwin Schrödinger; graphic novel

Copyright Contact

Julia Kwon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    188 * 257

A remarkable intellectual exploration that traces the footsteps of genes.

Book Intro

This is a graphic novel about the journey to discover genes that expanded the horizons of human perception in a short period of just over 100 years. It explores the academic challenges and journeys of the failure of scholars who have written the history of genetics, from Gregor Mendel, the first biologist to statistically prove the laws of heredity, to Thomas Hunt Morgan, who tracked genetic traits through persistent and repetitive experiments, and to James Watson and Francis Crick, who discovered the structure of DNA.

About the Author

Jo Jin-ho

Jo Jin-ho graduated from the School of Biology Education at Seoul National University and studied science education in graduate school. He worked as a biology teacher at the Korean Minjok Leadership Academy from 2010 to 2017 and currently heads projects related to human creativity at the NC Cultural Foundation. His works include Gravity Express, Genome Express, and Atom Express.

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