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Mom's Mad!


Choi Sookhee


Bear Books Inc.


Picture Books


3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing

Simplified Chinese; Traditional Chinese; Vietnamese


  • #Family; anger; mother's love

Copyright Contact

Min Yuree

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    238 * 238

A picture book that conveys a message of reconciliation and consolation to children who were hurt by their mother's anger.

Book Intro

Despite being the most precious people in each other's lives, a mother and child don’t always see eye-to-eye. The author wrote this picture book with the intention of creating an opportunity to untie a twisted knot. The hearts of mothers and children are depicted through heartwarming words and beautiful illustrations unique to the author.

About the Author

Choi Sookhee

(English) Choi Sookhee studied Visual Design at Seoul National University. Her illustrations are clear, stylish and refined. After majoring in Industrial Design at Seoul National University, the author has been making picture books. These books are meant to  encourage children who look like herself in childhood and sympathize with moms. She wrote and illustrated 'To My Child', 'Porridge that never diminishes', 'Hello Mind', 'When I See You', 'Twelve Month Old Tree Child', 'A Princess pretending not to know', 'Am I Really?', 'Mom is Angry', 'You Are Miracle', 'Me Too!', 'Sky Child, Ground Child', 'It is Okay' and 'Whose Shadow is it?'. She has published many of her books abroad and was nominated as the author of year at International Swedish Book Fair and illustrator of the year at Bologna Children Book Fair.


(Japanese) ソウル大学校で産業デザインを学び、長い間、絵本を作り続けてきた。主にアクリル、ガッシュなど、西洋画の素材で絵を描いていたが、数年前に民話に出会ってから、東洋画の素材で韓国の花や木を描く楽しさに夢中になった。 これまで絵と文を描いた本に『君を見れば』、『私と友達にならない?』、『幸せなカナタラ』、『ママの言葉』、『君はどんな種なの?』、『コンジコンジジャムジャム』、『天の子、地の子』、『大丈夫』、『誰の影かな?』がある。複数の絵本が海外に版権輸出される。ボローニャ児童図書展今年のイラストレーター、スウェーデン国際図書館今年の作家に選ばれたこともある。


(French) Après avoir étudié le design industriel à l'Université nationale de Séoul, je fais des livres illustrés depuis longtemps. Voici mes livres suivants "Pour toi qui pars pour un voyage", "Bouillie qui ne diminue jamais quelle que vous mangiez", "Salut, mon coeur", "Enfant de l'arbre de 12 mois", "Princess qui fais l'ignorant", "ça va", "Quelle ombre est-ce?". Mes plusieurs livres illustrés sont publiés en étranger et j'étais sélectionnnée comme illustrateur de cette année à l'exposition de livres d'enfant de Bologne. Aussi comme auteur de l'année de librarie internationale de Suède   


White Ravens, 2013, Good Book


Aladdin, 2011, Book of the Year

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