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The Last of Seven Years


Kim Yeonsu


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #Korean
  • #literature
  • #novel
  • #Baek Seok
  • #poet
  • #writer
  • #author
  • #hope

Copyright Contact

Lee Youngeun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    133 * 200

Kim Yeonsu's first full-length novel in eight years since the publication of If the Waves Belong to the Sea.

Book Intro

The Last of Seven Years


A full-length novel by Kim Yeonsu, a writer who changed the world of Korean literature by changing the trajectory of his own writing career into an important part of the trend in Korean novels. 


In his career as a writer of nearly thirty years, Kim Yeonsu has captured in writing the eyes of youth filled with energy and anxiety while constantly exploring the essence of love and unraveling his own approach to the study of love. At the same time, he has worked on discovering personal truths in gaps that cannot be reached with objective facts based on extensive historical data.

This full-length novel, published eight years after If the Waves Belong to the Sea, encompasses all the key words of Kim Yeonsu's novels, such as youth, love, history, and individuality, and depicts the journey of a poet in a world that has changed rapidly since the Korean War. Through Kim's work, readers can see glimpses of Baek Seok, a poet who was active in the 1930s and 1940s, who following the Korean War was asked by the North Korean government to write poetry befitting the Communist Party's ideology, and who also translated Russian literature into Korean.


Kim's travel literature attempts to hold onto poetry under circumstances in which writing as desired is impossible and in desperate situations where one must learn "to live without hopes and dreams"(pg. 64) but ultimately ends up hitting the wall of reality. Is a poet destined for despair when the weight of reality pressing down on individuality becomes too overbearing, in spite of a desperate heart to write poetry? What can a poet do in the face of an uncontrollable reality? What happens to fires that cannot ever be extinguished and dreams that cannot ever be realized? The Last of Seven Years by Kim Yeonsu seems like the answer to these questions after his struggles through dark days as a poet and human being.

About the Author

Kim Yeonsu

(English) Born in Kimcheon in the North Gyeongsang Province of Korea, Kim Yeonsoo graduated from Sungkyunkwan University with a degree in English Literature. He made his literary debut when he announced her poem in the literary magazine Writer's World in the summer of 1993 as well as his novel Walk as Pointing to the Mask which won the 3rd Writer's World Literary Award in 1994. Kim received the 2001 Dongseo Literary Award for his novel Good Bye, Lee Sang, the 2003 Dongin Literary Award for his story collection Back when I Was Still a Kid, the 2005 Daesan Literary Award for his story collection I Am a Ghost Writer, the 2007 Hwang Sunwon Literary Award for his short story A Comedian who Went to the Moon, and the 2009 Lee Sang Literary Award for his short story Five Pleasures of a Walk.


(Japanese) 1993年『作家世界』夏号に詩を発表し、1994年長編小説『仮面を指さして歩く』で第3回作家世界文学賞を受賞し、本格的な作品活動を始める。長編小説『クッパイ、理想』で2001年東西文学賞を、小説集『私がまだ子供だった頃』で2003年東仁文学賞を、小説集『私は幽霊作家です』で2005年大山文学賞を、短編小説『月へ行ったコメディアン』で2007年黄順元文学賞を、短編小説『散歩する人々の五つの楽しみ』で2009年理想文学賞を受賞。


(Vietnamese) Sinh năm 1970 tại Gimcheon, Gyeongbuk và tốt nghiệp khoa tiếng Anh của Đại học Sungkyunkwan. Vào mùa hè năm 1993, bắt đầu hoạt động sáng tác của mình bằng việc phát hành thơ trên tạp chí 'Thế giới nghệ sĩ', năm 1994 giành được Giải thưởng Văn học Thế giới dành cho Nhà văn lần thứ 3 với tiểu thuyết dài "Chỉ ra chiếc mặt nạ và bước đi", và giải thưởng văn học Đông Tây lần thứ 14 với "Khi em vẫn còn là một đứa trẻ".

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