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From the Big Bang to the Black Hole, the Story of the Universe
: .


Ji, Tae-seon

Kim Go-eun




Children's Other Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #universe
  • #Big Bang
  • #black hole
  • #Star
  • #Earth
  • #Sun
  • #solar system
  • #planet
  • #celestial body
  • #astronomy
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #Video Conference
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Vietnam

Copyright Contact

Kim Minji

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    180 * 235

From the beginning to the end of the universe, this book answers every question in simple and plain language.

Book Intro

From the Big Bang to the Black Hole, the story of the universe


This is a children’s liberal arts science book that uses fun methods to answer the questions that children may have about the universe. This book provides answers to various questions in a fun, easy, and interesting way, covering the Earth where we live, the Solar System, the Big Bang, the beginning of the universe, and black holes, the last stage of a star’s life. 

The book starts with the birth of the universe. The universe started with the Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago. A universe as small as a tiny seed, so small that you could barely see it, exploded along with an enormous explosion called the Big Bang, becoming as big as the solar system we know today. It continues to grow even larger at the present moment. The universe which suddenly came into being was initially very hot. Evidence of the Big Bang is spread throughout space in the form of cosmic microwave background radiation. As the universe began cooling down as it expanded, stars repeatedly came into being and then disappeared. A few billion years later, the Sun was formed, and the solar system came about, moving by the gravity of the Sun. 

And so continues more exciting facts about the solar system, starting with its eight planets including Earth, in which we inhabit, Venus and Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto, which is now referred to as a dwarf planet. We cannot leave out the story of stars, which incites the most curiosity out of all. This book helps to understand various questions such as what constitutes a star and why stars shine, the true identity of the luminous galaxies in the night’s dark sky, and why constellations change. Based on the scientific facts we have discovered, the story ends with us imagining what will be at the end of the universe when all the stars and galaxies have disappeared? 

The past few centuries have yielded more discoveries about the universe than humanity has uncovered in the thousands of years prior. Starting from the beginning of the universe , all the beings which exist in the universe, and up to the end of the universe, this book teaches from the eye level of children in a fun and exciting way. 


About the Author

Ji, Tae-seon

(English) Ji Taesun began his studies in natural science at college but decided to attend Seoul National University of Education after deciding that teaching children would be more exciting. Ji works as a teacher, running a science scholar class for children especially interested in science. Discovering hidden stories in science and writing are the things in which Ji finds joy. Ji wrote The Story of Microorganisms, The Hard Workers in Our Lives, Korean, Rooted in the Korean Peninsula, and various other works.

(Russian) Сильно любил науку и поступил на факультет естественных наук университета Ханьян. Однако хотел больше обучать детей, чем изучать естественные науки, поэтому поступил на факультет начального образования Сеульского национального педагогического университета. В настоящее время работаю учителем, и провожу “Класс для продвинутых в естествознании” для детей, интересующихся наукой. Его книги включают “Истории о маленьких созданиях, скрытых в нашей жизни” и “Наши люди, корни которых уходят на Корейский полуостров” и пр.

(Vietnamese) Đã học tại Đại học Khoa học tự nhiên thuộc Đại học Hanyang và hiện đang làm giáo viên tiểu học. Đang quan lí “Lớp học Năng khiếu Khoa học” dành cho những trẻ em quan tâm đến khoa học. Sách xuất bản có『Câu chuyện về những sinh vật nhỏ bé, những người thợ ẩn náu trong cuộc sống của chúng ta』.

Kim Go-eun

(English) Kim Goeun studied mathematics and then moved to Germany and studied visual design. She currently lives in a small town in Germany and works on illustrations for children’s books. She wrote and illustrated the books Should I Get Up or Not?; Hiccup; The Kidnapping of My Family; Snow Planet; and A Slightly Strange Trip. She illustrated books including Mom’s Worry Factory, The Mysterious Compliment Account, The Giant’s Favorite Flavor, and The Class President Who Got a Score of 3.


(Japanese) 幼い時、お母さんとお父さんが喧嘩をすると、いつもその間であたふたしていました。姉に助けてほしいとも思っていました。ところが時間が経つと、みんなどこかで何かの間に板挟みになってうろたえたり、時には苦しい思いもしながら、それでも輪の中で暮らしているんだと思うようになりました。そんな話を絵本に込めたかったのです。大学で数学を学んだ後、ドイツへ行って視覚デザインを勉強しました。今はドイツの小さな村で暮らしながら子供向けの本の絵を描いています。「オー・マイ・おばあちゃん(OMG grandma)」、「お母さんの心配工場(Mom's Worry Factory)」などの子供向けの本の絵を描きました。


(Vietnamese) Sau khi học chuyên ngành toán ở trường đại học, đã đến Đức để học thiết kế thị giác. Hiện nay đang sinh sống tại một thị trấn nhỏ ở Đức và vẽ tranh cho sách thiếu nhi. Những cuốn sách sáng tác và vẽ tranh minh hoạ bao gồm 『Vụ bắt cóc của gia đình tôi』 và 『Nấc cục』, vàtruyên vẽ tranh minh hoạn gồm có 『Trang nhật ký nói chuyện』 và 『Cuốn sách khen ngợi đáng ngờ』.

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