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Chun Mijin

Lee Gee Eun


KizM Education Group


Picture Books


3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing

Traditional Chinese


  • #Children’s
  • #picture book
  • #health
  • #humor
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium

Copyright Contact

Jeong Eunmee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 240

A book that teaches readers how to keep our precious body healthy through a protagonist who catches the flu.

Book Intro

Ung has the flu. His nose complains that it won’t stop running, suspecting that maybe Ung had not been washing his hands.   Ung’s hands protest in frustration, saying that they were washed clean after playing at the playground. His throat, tired from all the coughing, is having a hard time speaking. Ung's mouth says that Ung ate too much ice cream the day before, suspecting that might be the reason for the flu. His stomach says that it wasn't properly covered with a blanket when Ung slept. Then why did Ung catch the flu?

This is a creative picture book that explains the symptoms and causes of the flu in an easy-to-understand manner and teaches children about the importance of keeping our bodies healthy.  

(French) <Le livre du rhume>

Woong-i est enrhumé. Son nez se plaint qu’il coule et il doute des mains de woong-i en disant woong-i a un rhume à cause de ses mains sales. Ses mains répondent que c’est injuste parce qu’elles se sont lavées, ainsi que sa gorge dit qu’elle continue de tousser et a mal à parler. À ce moment-là, sa bouche dit que woong-i a mangé deux glaces hier, il aurait donc attrapé un rhume. Son ventre dit que woong-i ne s’est pas bien couvert quand il dort. Pourquoi Woong-i est-il enrhumé?

Ce livre illustré pour comprendre le rhume et son symptom permet aux enfants d’apprendre les bons gestes pour l’éviter. 

About the Author

Chun Mijin

(English) Chun loves a cup of tea, playing with puppies, and talking with people, but her mind is always thinking about and searching for great stories. She is always on the search for what would make an entertaining and interesting book. Her books have been featured in text books, and many have been loved by readers and found their way to best seller and steady seller lists.

(French) J’aime prendre du thé, sortir avec mon chien et discuter avec des gens pendant mon temps libre, mais je suis toujours occupé(e) en réel pour réfléchir des bonnes histoires. Je n’ai de cesse de me renouveler pour créer les livres attrayants et amusants.

Lee Gee Eun

(English) I studied design and drawing in Korea and the U.K. The books I wrote and illustrated include A Paper Dad, A Grandma Mom, and A Red Fruit. I have also illustrated for picture books like I’m the Boss of Brushing Teeth, Seoni’s Blanket, The Tiger Hunting Dwarf, and A Book on Cold and children’s books, such as The Story of Ms. Park, Chosun Special investigation Team, Finding Hidden Shoes, and Nonviolent Communication for Children.


(French) Yi Gee Eun a fait des études de design et de dessin en Corée du Sud et au Royaume-Uni. Il a écrit et dessiné beaucoup de livres tels que "Mon papa en papier", "Grand-mère, ma mère", "Fruits rouges", "Légende de Patbingsu" et "Iparapa Nyamunyamu". D'autres livres de peinture tels que "Je suis le capitaine du brossage des dents", "La couverture de soleil", "La chasse du clochard nain", "Le livre du froid", les livres de contes de fées "La famille de Park" et "Trouver les chaussures cachées".


(Vietnamese) Học thiết kế và hội họa ở Hàn Quốc và Anh. Sách đã vẽ và viết gồm có "bố giấy", "bà và mẹ", "quả thanh mai". Ngoài ra có sách tranh "Thủ lĩnh đánh răng", "Chăn của Seoni", "Cậu bé người lùn săn cọp", vẽ tranh cho truyện thiếu nhi "Đội điều tra đặc biệt Joseon", "Tìm đôi giày bị giấu", "Đối thoại không bạo lực cho trẻ em".


(Indonesian) Penulis belajar desain dan gambar di Korea dan Inggris. Buku yang ia tulis dan gambar antara lain.<Ayah kertas>, <Ibu nenek>, <Buah merah>. Selain itu <Kapten gosok gigi> <selimut Seoni>, < Berburu harimau kerdil>, <buku demam> dan menggambar dalam buku cerita anak < Park Ssi Jeon>, <Investigasi spesial zaman Joseon>, <Mencari sandal yang disembunyikan>< Percakapan tanpa kekeresan untuk anak-anak>dan lain lan.


(Japanese) 韓国とイギリスでデザインと絵を勉強しました。絵と文を書いた本には『紙パパ』、『おばあちゃんのお母さん』、『赤い実』、『パッピンスの伝説』などがあります。2021年、ボローニャラガッツィ賞コミック-幼児絵本部門大賞を受賞しました。


Ministry of Health and Welfare of South Korea, 2016, Outstanding Health Book, Album de LEE Gee Eun, Lauréate du prix Bologna Ragazzi

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