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Much Ado at the Laundromat






Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


Copyright Contact

Irene Lee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    185 * 235

Book Intro

Mr. Bear runs the Clean Bear Laundromat. One day, something urgent comes up for Mr. Bear, prompting him to ask his new next-door neighbor, Mouse, to take over the laundromat for a while. Even so, Mr. Bear can't stop worrying. There won't be any customers while I'm gone, will there? They'll only be there for a short while, won't they? Even if someone comes, there'll be a place for them to sit down, won't there? I bet Mouse is pretty bored right about now, right? These questions and more run through Mr. Bear's mind. Full of worry, Mr. Bear picks up a bag of fresh pastries before returning to the laundromat. Oh right, I forgot to tell Mouse not to mix the whites and colors! But it's too late. Mouse had tossed all the clothes together into one washer, resulting in a big pink mess! Ever the creative thinker, however, Mouse decides to hand paint the customers' pink clothes, with each outfit suited to their tastes. The customers leave satisfied with their new, freshly laundered pink clothes. Mr. Bear and Mouse breathe a sigh of relief.

About the Author


(English) Kim Ji-an studied comics illustration at university and has kept up a career as an artist and illustrator in many genres. Kim's featured works include Tangerine Train, Spring Spring Strawberry, Summer Fishing, Chestnut Picnic, Coco Ski, and Much Ado at the Laundromat, with Kim's illustrations appearing in books such as That's Okay, Slow Lizard

Recent works: 25 titles including Whatever-I-Want Pastry, What Happened at the Laundromat? Four Season Picnic Series. 


(French) Kim Ji-An a étudié la bande dessinée à l’université. Elle a écrit et dessiné « Train de mandarine », « Pique-nique avec des châtaignes », « Pêche en été », « Tumulte d’un lavage ». Elle a participé à l’illustration des livres comme « Lézard lent, tout va bien ».


(Russian) Изучал мангу в университете и теперь рисую иллюстрации для разных сфер. Некоторые из книг, которые написал и нарисовал, включают “Цитрусовый поезд”, “Ночой пикник”, “Летняя рыбалка” и “Проблемы со стиркой”. И нарисовал картинки для “Потихоньку, ящеричка”.


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