- Overview
A cheerful and goofy new character, Susangi, whose head is round and green!
- Book Intro
(Russian) Странные дома
Наш юный герой и сегодня то и дело замедляет шаг. То папа приготовил ему странный зелёный сок, то на земле какие-то непонятные следы – всё на свете ему как-то странно и подозрительно. Эта книга с любовью показывает волнение в душе ребёнка при встрече с друзьями.
(English) Suspicious
Susangi walks slowly today, too. Looking at the green juice his father made for him, following footprints in the muddy ground, he stops repeatedly. The world is filled with suspicious things. Suspicious lovingly describes how children's hearts pound lovingly because of their friends.
- About the Author
Skye (F) studied Visual Design and has worked as a UI designer. She writes and draws pictures in Chuncheon. Books Skky has written and illustrated include Subtly Thrilled.