- Overview
A vivid report of a completely irrational and incomplete operation from the mind of a madman.
- Book Intro
(Russian) Доклад об операции сумасшедшего
Книга состоит из двух частей: одна из них написана девочкой с умственным расстройством по имени Ли Ёнхи. В этой части девочка описывает ход операции, а во другой части идет описание операции от лица врача. Процесс операции был очень страшный, но в то же время очень оригинально выражен. В книге автор критикует такое общество, где людей, отставших от остальных, считают сумасшедшими.
(English) Madman Operation Report
This book is the story of Lee Yeon-hee, a teenage girl, undergoing an operation after being diagnosed with a serious mental disorder following a report written by her doctor. The entire procedure is described in a horrifying and fantastical manner, which critically and symbolically portrays a uniform society that treats social misfits as insane. Written for adolescents in a modernist style, this book provides readers an completely new reading experience.
- About the Author
Song Mikyoung
(Japanese) 文を書いたソン・ミギョンはウンジンジュニアー文学賞、第5回昌原児童文学賞、第54回韓国出版文学賞を受賞し、2005年アメリカイラストレーター協会で授与する金メダルを受け、ダビド・カリと一緒に作業した『私は待ちます...』でバオバブ賞を、『世界を揺らす31人のばかたち』で2007年ボローニャラガチ賞を受賞した。
Song Mikyoung made her literary debut in 2008 winning the Woongjin Junior Literary Award with her work The School for the Children who Don’t Want to Go to School. Song won the 5th Changwon Children’s Literary Award with A Kid who Eats Stones and the 54th Korean Publishing Culture Award with Some Kid Is. Stories for children written by Song Mikyoung include The School Newsletter Commotion, The Can Academy, The Sewing Girl, The Diary Eating Journals and The Goddess of Vengeance. Novels for adolescents written by Song include The Madman Surgical Report, The Concentration of an Addiction (co-authorship), and The Density of a Complex (co-authorship).
- Selection
Selected for Bookstart 2015
Recommended Reading 2015 by Happy Morning Reading
Selected as Gyeongnam Hanmadang Book 2015