Buku streching dengan gerakan yang bisa membuat tubuh Anda sehat dan fit. Hanya 5 menit di pagi hari dan 10 menit waktu sore hari jika dilakukan konsisten setiap hari itu bisa merubah tubuh Anda. Untuk gerakan yang lebih sistematis ada juga yang memakan waktu 10 menit sampai 20 menit. Terlampir juga poster untuk memudahkan anda berlatih dengan mudah di pagi dan sore hari.
(English) Stretching is Just Enough
Stretching may seem simple, but it is a very efficient exercise. Stretching just a few moves stimulates the entire body's muscles to become a full-body workout. It keeps the waist and shoulders pretty by aligning the body properly.
Stretching also improves blood circulation and boosts metabolism, which is good for dieting. Stretching is smooth and does not strain the body. Especially, stretching is an attractive exercise for busy people. You can exercise at anytime and anywhere, making your body healthy and toned.
That's why the author, who is a Ph.D. in physical education, emphasizes. "Five minutes of stretching a day is enough," she said. As the author says, if you learn the stretching of this book and repeat it regularly, you won't have to do any other exercise.
Stretching is one of the great choices for making the exercise recipe. With a small number of stretches, you will be able to maintain the effects from other exercises you have learned. The best part is that you can keep your health and shape your body, just by stretching.
(Japanese) ストレッチで十分