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Thinking People


Jeong YoungSun




Literature & Fiction



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  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan
  • #2023 K-Book Copyright Market
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  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-France

Copyright Contact

Kang Sugeul

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

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  • Dimensions

    148 * 210

Book Intro

Thinking People


North Korea is the only place in the twenty-first century where there is no freedom of movement. However, there are people who have crossed the border into the South, as in this book in which North Korean defectors serve as the subject. Through the stories of children like Suji, who came to the South looking for freedom, and Changju, who wants to make money playing soccer, we get a glimpse into the lives of children from North Korea, who not only suffer from loneliness and isolation but are also under constant duress of having to prove themselves in order to be accepted by South Korean society. In a society driven by neorealism, their freedom is limited, and the label of “North Korean defector” is a constant stranglehold. These children do not have the strength to tell their stories, and they aren’t allowed to live their own lives in a space where they are not dictated by ideology or a system.


About the Author

Jeong YoungSun

 (Japanese) 1997年文藝中央でデビューする。小説集『平行の美しさ』、長編小説『糸で作った月』、『水の時間』、『恥ずかしいものたち』などを執筆した。釜山小説文学賞、釜山作家賞、ボンセン文化賞(文学)を受賞し、2013~2014年教育部派遣教師として京畿道安城のハナ院(北韓離脱住民定着支援事務所)内の青少年学校で勤務した。


(French) Elle a obtenu son doctorat de l’Université Kyungsung en littérature coréenne après son diplôme de licence en pédagogie de l’histoire et de master en littérature coréenne. En 1997, elle publie sa première œuvre à la revue  «munyejungang». Son recueil de romans La beauté du parallélisme est sélectionné en tant que livre littéraire excellent par le comité de la culture et des arts. Ses romans Lune en fil, Un temps d’eau, La peur douce et collante, et penseurs reçoivent le prix de la littérature roman de Busan, d'écrivain de Busan, de la culture Bongseng et de la littérature Yosan Kim Jeong-han.

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