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Yoon Jane

Oh Seungmin




Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #snow
  • #grandmother
  • #disability
  • #overcome
  • #memory

Copyright Contact

Yoon Eun-sook

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 260

A grandmother’s story that helps you overcome feelings of alienation because of a disability.

Book Intro

One snowy day, kids hurriedly run outside with excitement. But the main character from Snow only looks out the window. She has a disability and cannot walk. The grandmother in the story empathizes with her granddaughter and relays a story from her childhood about what she did on a snowy day.

After the opening in Snow, we are immediately taken to the Grandmother’s childhood days; a story of one snowy day in the 1950s unfolds with beautiful pictures and text. As the granddaughter listens to her grandmother’s story, she slowly opens up her heart. She says she wants to go outside and play with her friends. Snow tells a story as if the reader is going through pictures in an album.

The grandmother simply tells her granddaughter a memory from her childhood. The grandmother does not pity or try to console her granddaughter. Just the fact that she recounts a story full of nostalgia is comforting to her granddaughter. And after listening to the story, the granddaughter gets the courage and hope to want to go outside herself.

Snow allows the reader to become absorbed in the grandmother’s story while at the same time showing a child overcoming feelings of loss and alienation. Snow is an encouraging and heartwarming picture book for any child that feels alone.

About the Author

Yoon Jane

Author Yoon Jane made her literary debut when her short story In Search of the Box won the annual spring literary contest held by Dong-A Ilbo in 1992. Her picture books include, Uncle Chanda; Snow; Minarella; Seoul; Grandfather's Clock; Grandmother's Baby; Guest; Alien Selmina's Special Mission series; The Night of Peaceful Universe; Stop Eating Choco Ruda!; Witch Ora's Invitation; The Great General Jjurang; and I Want to Be a Dorigang, and a picture book for babies, Waa Waa.

Oh Seungmin

(English) Oh Seungmin studied Eastern art at Sejong University and completed an illustrated book course at Hankyoreh. Oh received the second prize Korea Anderson Shadow Award and the NOMA Concours for Children's Picture Book Illustrations with Hide and Seek in 2004. Her Ugly Duckling was selected and presented at the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (BIB) in 2007. Oh was selected as the illustrator of Korean Pavilion of Bologna Children's Book Fair with The Song of Aggabi in 2009. Oh illustrated childrens books including Great Tricycle!, Space Hotel, Folk Dancing Every Day, Purple Cat, Moon Rice Cake Research Center, Great Mistake, and Luho. Oh also illustrated My Neighborhood - Doksandong, Goshu Playing the Cello, Try This Noodle, and Mr. Poet. Oh is the author and illustrator of Today's Menu is Pork Cutlet with Curry. 


(Chinese) 世宗大学东洋画专业毕业,韩民族插图画册课程结业。凭借《一定要藏好》获得了2004年韩国安徒生影子奖优秀奖和日本NOMA CONCOURS 国际图书插图优秀奖。《丑小鸭》于2007年被选为BIB布拉迪斯拉发双年展展出作品,《鬼怪之歌》被选为2009年博洛尼亚国际书展韩国馆插图画家。童话《 酷毙了 ,三轮自行车!』 《宇宙酒店》、《每天都跳传统舞》、《紫色猫》、《月糕研究所》、《了不起的失误》、《楼浩》,为绘本《我的独山洞》、《演奏大提琴的加什》、《诗人叔叔来吃面条》等作品画画,还创作了绘本《今天是炸猪排咖喱饭》等。


(French) En 2004, elle a remporté le prix Korea Andersen Shadow et la mention honorable dans le Concours international NOMA pour cache-cache. En 2009, elle a été sélectionnée en tant qu’illustratrice pour le pavillon coréen de la Foire internationale du livre de Bologne avec La chanson d’Akkaebi.

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