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The Bird that Drinks Tears


Lee Yeongdo


Minumsa Publishing


Genre Literature


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #Korean Fantasy novel
  • #Tracker
  • #Fugitive
  • #muder case

Copyright Contact

Dajeong Kim

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    153 * 224

The Bird that Drinks Tears, is a profoundly philosophical fantasy full of both tragically diabolical symmetries and laugh-out-loud hilarious moments.

Book Intro

The series opens with Kagan Draca the human, Tynahan the rekkon, and Henby Surabol the tokkebi convening at The Last Pub that sits on the edge of the Feuntain Desert to begin their rescue mission of escorting a nhaga priest from the Kiboren Jungle to the Hainsha Temple in the north. 

The Bird that Drinks Tears, is a profoundly philosophical fantasy full of both tragically diabolical symmetries and laugh-out-loud hilarious moments. Four races with vastly different values, customs, and even lifespans come together to save their world, in which beings build their lives around honoring one goal, one promise, or one value above all else. Through the crisis and adventures, the four main characters, already veterans in their own rights and set in their ways, use their expertise and skill with flair while allowing themselves to change for the better through the fables, the conversations, and their friendship. Avoiding the coming-of-age structure while keeping the plot tightly woven around the fight to stop the abuse of sacred power, the series portrays the real struggles of various fantastical beings that cannot be solved with the wave of a wand. More nuanced than the Harry Potter series, funnier than The Lord of the Rings, and with far less carnage than A Song of Ice and Fire, The Bird that Drinks Tears is sure to satisfy the appetite for a quick-paced fantasy that is philosophical yet scientific, more spiritual than magical, and above all a story of camaraderie that finds hilarity in the grief of existence. 

About the Author

Lee Yeongdo

Widely acknowledged as the father of Korean fantasy genre, Lee Yeongdo is an exceptionally imaginative writer who builds elaborate worlds and fills them with complex characters rendered through his narrative that strikes a brilliant balance between comedy and poetry. His books have sold 5 million copies: his first series, The Dragon Raja, has been translated and published in China, Japan, and Taiwan, and sold a total of 2.5 million copies. Future Walker (8-volume series) sold 700,000 copies, Polaris Rhapsody (7-volume series) 400,000, The Bird that Drinks Tears (4-volume series) 600,000, The Bird that Drinks Blood (8-volume series), and Over the Horizon (short story collection) and Over the Choice (novel) sold 200,000 copies. 

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