- Overview
A young adult novel that sheds light on the “class” system which secretly exists in schools
- Book Intro
(English) A revolt by sidekicks to live as themselves, not as sidekicks!
Inggeol whose parents are a conglomerate executive and famous artist, sits at the top of the class pyramid of the students at H high school, receives all sorts of benefits and freely takes advantage of others. Dongwook, whose father is an alcoholic thinks taking Inggeol’s money by doing Inggeol’s volunteer work for him is a good deal, but he comes to see that he is living his life as a sidekick. To live his life as himself again, Dongwook decides to hold up a sign that tells the truth about himself in front of the school. Dongwook’s revelation shatters the school’s class system that seemed like it was set in stone, and students begin to question all the benefits Inggeol had been receiving. The students try to fight against the huge class system that is Inggeol and their school, and in the process find their true selves. The way the kids grow into themselves as the true protagonists of their lives by fighting for equality and fairness, the book shows that what society must hand down to the next generation is not a class system but justice.(Spanish/español) El compañero del número uno
En la teoría clasista, que se denomina con varios términos como ricos y pobres, aristócratas, nobles y esclavos, los niños están en contra de la
discriminación que causa ineludiblemente la distinción de clases en lugar de buscar una manera de alzar el estatus. A través de su trabajo, la autora
tira un comentario directo a la cultura clasista que rodea firmemente al único personaje principal, Park Ingul. Asimismo, ofrece la dirección de qué
valores son obligatorios paraque los niños vivan como "sujetos".
- About the Author
Kim Sun Hee
In 2001, Kim Sunhee won the 7th Golden Goblin Award with her novel The Weather Slowly Clears Up after the Clouds. Kim Sunhee was born in 1964 in Anseong, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, and graduated from Seoul Institute of Arts with a degree in Creative Writing. Kim currently plans and writes books for children. Books Kim has written include 101 Scientific Common Senses Selected by Elementary School Students, 19 Black Eyes, I, A Scorpio Boy with Blood Type B, Chemical Detective, Find the Lost Genius, The Red, 19 Black Eyes, Grandma and the Barley Hump, and The Bakery of the Math Ghost.
- Recommendation
A 2019 recommended book by Seed, a monthly book magazine
- Selection
Selected for funding for audio book publication in 2019