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Easy and Delicious Baby Food for Teuny
: Making three different baby food dishes for nine meals at once using cubes and rice cooker dividers


Jeong Eunhee







Overseas Licensing


  • #Cooking
  • #baby food
  • #early-
  • #middle-
  • #late-stage baby food
  • #baby food made with a rice cooker
  • #rice cooker divider
  • #cubes for baby food
  • #utensils for baby food

Copyright Contact

Jang Sunhui

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    188 * 250

Book Intro

You might think that baby food is made with all the love and care of a mother. But the reality is different. A four-month-old baby does not let its mother have even a short break to relax. Since the baby cries for food, for a diaper change, and whenever it needs a nap, mothers are already overwhelmed. How could they prepare food especially for the baby on top of all that? In the end, a lot of mothers choose to buy pre-packaged baby food. But they do not feel happy about feeding their baby, especially one not yet one year old, with store bought food. Then Korean mothers found a savior, the blog written by Hui, named Hui Life. Her recipes using rice flour, and the cubes and dividers of a rice cooker, opened up a new world, different from the existing baby food recipes that are so difficult to follow. With Hui’s recipes, mothers are not afraid to feed their babies with self-cooked baby food in the middle and later stages, when the baby has to be fed two or three times a day. Hui’s blog has become a site of pilgrimage for 7 million mothers visiting every day. All her recipes are included in this book. 

*The new world of baby food recipes suggested by Korean power blogger Hui!

What is the divider of a rice cooker? It might be the first time many Western mothers have heard of such a thing. Originally, it was used for cooking various kinds of rice at once, such as whole grain rice, bean rice, and mixed grain rice. Adapted to cook baby food, however, the "rice cooker divider" became the most amazing invention for mothers that opened up a new world of preparing infant nutrition. Instagram has thousands of postings with hashtags such as #baby food with rice cooker, #rice cooker divider, #a new world of baby food with rice cooker, and #3 baby food dishes at once. It became a much-appreciated item that rescued mothers from the swamp of cooking baby food. As a result, power blogger Hui became a savior who gifted hundreds of happy hours to mothers and babies with her easy and tasty baby food recipes.

About the Author

Jeong Eunhee

The author is a first-time mother of a 17-month-old child. After writing a blog about interior decorating, she is now sharing her own baby food recipes on her blog and Instagram after the birth of her child Teuny. She was never a good cook and did not know about baby food, so she asked older mothers for help and studied about baby food, searching for information. That is how this project started. The first time she made baby food and fed her child, she felt both thrilled and excited, and her baby took to the food like a little bird, a moment she will never forget.

As she moved into the middle and late stages of baby nutrition, when a baby has to be fed twice and three times a day, she agonized, “Can I keep making baby food? Do I have enough time to make it when I’m already overwhelmed taking care of the baby? Should I simply buy pre-packaged food?” On the other hand, she thought that even while preparing food, both baby and mother should be happy. If caring for a baby stresses her out too much, a mother should stop making baby food.

She tried to make baby food in a really easy and simple way. Finding which ingredients go well with which and using rice flour, and the cubes and dividers of a rice cooker, she strived to cook in an efficient way. She felt so proud whenever her readers left comments, thanking her for her recipes. Thanks to them, she was able to keep going and did not give up making baby food until Teuny was onto solid food.


Supported for e-book publication in 2019 by KPIPA (Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea)

Bestseller Rank

Total rank number 40 in Yes24 online bookstore on 17 July 2019

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