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Miserable Light


Baik Sou-linne


Changbi Publishers, Inc.


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing



  • #literature
  • #collection of short stories
  • #modern novel

Copyright Contact

Ally Bang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    145 * 210

This is the second collection of short stories by Baik Sou Linne just two years after her first collection, Falling in Paul in 2016, where she showed deep reflection on language and communication.

Book Intro

This collection contains ten shot stories published between the summer of 2014 and the autumn of 2015, including Summer Noon, which won the 6th Young Artist Award in 2015, and First Love, which received the Fiction of the Month award by Moonji Publishing in August of the same year. In this collection, through the attractive contrast of "miserable" and "light," the artist portrays the misery of the world with a distinctive delicacy under a dazzling light pouring down like heavy snow. The lone ethics of the stranger and the brilliant beauty that comes out in the heat of the moment are captured through Baik Sou Linne's delicate touch over bitter wounds. The artist says calmly and firmly that a light can only be struck in the dark, and that happiness can be ours only on the basis of some terrible background.

Two worlds coexist in the title, Miserable Light. "Jungho," a journalist for a film magazine, meets Adele Monahan, a documentary director visiting Korea for a festival, to interview her. During the interview, Jungho learns why Adel began to suffer from tunnel phobia. As Adele struggles to tell the story, Jungho recalls a lingering moment of happiness that changed all of a sudden into misfortune. The story tells, in Jungho's voice, about how the relationship between him and his wife changed after the miscarriage of their child at six months, and what he has gone through, as he could not bear the pain. The defining scene of this story is the moment when Adele's phobia is replaced by Jungho's. The scene where two characters are overlaid through the medium of "light" is also significant.

About the Author

Baik Sou-linne

(Vietnamese) Năm 2011 bắt đầu công việc sáng tác với tác phẩm truyện ngắn "Luyện tập nói dối" giành giải thưởng Văn nghệ tân xuân của báo Kyunghyang . Các sáng tác có tạp tiểu thuyết  "Pauling in Paul", "Ánh sáng bi thảm" và tiểu thuyết vừa "thân ái và thân ái"., truyện ngắn "Đừng biến mất tỏng đêm nay". Năm 2015, 217, 2019 giành giải tác giả trẻ, giải thửng văn học Mun Ji. giải thưởng Văn học tiểu thuyết Lee Hae Jo và Giải thưởng Văn học Hiện đại.


(English) Baek Soorin (F) is a novelist and short story writer. She has written the short story collections, Falling in Paul ​and Miserable Light, the mid-length novel Dear and Dear and short story collections Falling in Fall and The Tragic Light. She has received the Munji Literary Award and the Yi Haejo Literary Award.

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