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Desire Instead of Hope
: Why Desire Should be Equal


Kim Won Young


Prunsoop Publishing Co., Ltd.


Humanities & Society


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #human rights
  • #disabled
  • #minorities
  • #equality
  • #hope
  • #desire

Copyright Contact

Hanna Cho

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    145 * 215

The book is a book about the growth of the author, from his birth with osteogenesis imperfecta to going out to the world, and about exploration of his disabled body.

Book Intro

Won Young Kim was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, a condition where bones break often. As a child, he spent just eating ice cream bought by his grandmother in his room and traveling around the world through his sister's social studies map. Only when he was fifteen years old did he take a school qualification examination. It was not until he went to rehabilitation school that he went out to the world. He studied in a general high school, entered Seoul National University, and went to law school.

Desire instead of Hope, is a story showing the growth of a fragile boy who was  "invisible" and how he got onto the world stage. It shows what his personal life was like and how he endlessly studied his body. It is a testament to the power of solidarity. He received much support from both people with disabilities and non-disabled people by proclaiming, "There isn't anyone in the world who is not qualified to live, and anyone can desire proudly what they want." 


About the Author

Kim Won Young

(English) Won Young Kim (M) is in wheelchairs with osteogenesis imperfecta. He is currently a lawyer in Seoul. Until fifteen, he lived only in hospitals and at home. After graduating from elementary school with his GED, he went through middle and high school, and majored in Social Studies at Seoul National University. 

After graduation from Law School of Seoul National University, he worked for the Naional Human Rights Commission of Korea. Meanwhile, he participated in the Theater Zit as an actor. His performance includes a monologue play in 2019. Books written by Kim include A Plea for Disqualified Persons and Humanities (co-author). He also writes for news magazines such as the Hankyoreh, Sisa In, and Beminor.


(French) Il se déplace en fauteuil roulant en raison d'un dysfonctionnement ostéoplastique. Après avoir terminé ses études primaires avec l'examen de qualification, il a obtenu le diplôme du département de sociologie de l'université nationale de Séoul en passant par le collège et le lycée général des écoles spéciales pour personnes handicapées. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme de la faculté de droit de l'université nationale de Séoul, il a travaillé à la Commission nationale des droits de l'homme de Corée, et a travaillé comme acteur de théâtre dans le cadre de l'"Acte de l'Institut pour la culture et les arts handicapés". Il est actuellement avocat à Séoul.


(Japanese) 骨形成不全症で車椅子に乗る。15才まで病院と家だけの生活をした。検定試験で小学校を卒業し、障碍者のための特殊学校の中学校と一般高校を経てソウル大学社会学科を卒業した。ソウル大学ロースクールを卒業し、国家人権委員会に努め、‘障害文化芸術研究所 ジッ’で演劇俳優として活躍したこともある。現在ソウルで弁護士として活動している。


(Indonesian) Akibat disostosis yang dialaminya, Ia selalu duduk di kursi roda. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan Sekolah Dasar melalui ujian kualifikasi GED, Ia menyelesaikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah Atas khusus penyandang cacat hingga lulus dari Fakultas Ilmu Sosial di Universitas Nasional Seoul. Setelah lulus dari Sekolah Hukum Universitas Nasional Seoul, Ia bekerja di Komisi Hak Asasi Manusia Nasional dan aktif sebagai aktor teater di "ZIT Lembaga Penelitian Budaya dan Seni Disabilitas." Saat ini aktif sebagai pengacara di Seoul.

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