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Killing Peter Rabbit
: (Russian) Убить Питера Рэбита


Lee Chanyoung




Genre Literature



Overseas Licensing


  • #thriller
  • #mystery
  • #human drama
  • #thriller drama
  • #drama
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #Video Conference

Copyright Contact

Park Miae

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    145 * 210

An extraordinary match begins between an autistic boy, the sole witness of the cruel and intellectual murder case, and a serials killer.

Book Intro


Killing Peter Rabbit


The Witness Who Cannot Testify

When Eunchong was 5, he lost his father in an accident and became autistic. One day, he happened to witness a serial murder. As an autistic boy, Eunchong could not testify and thus the case did not draw much public attention. Six months after the murders occurred, his older sister, Eunhye, sees his signal for help on an SNS video. Thinking that Eunchong is in danger, she immediately goes home.

A Stranger is Living in My House!

Many strange things are happening in the house. A strange man is hanging around the house, and the position of objects keeps changing while people are out. Eunhye checks the CCTV for the house and finds that only one stranger entered the house: the internet service engineer. She suddenly gets goose bumps because the recorded video shows him entering the house, but him not leaving. Eunhye realizes that her family has been living with this strange man.

The True Identity of the Intruder, A Diary Full of Codes

Eunhye fainted when she was attacked by the stranger, and Eunchong and her mother were kidnapped. After she regains consciousness, she starts gathering clues to save her mother and young brother. Eunhye finds Eunchong's diary by chance, and it contains all the information about the killer and the murder case that he witnessed. The only problem is that everything is written in mysterious codes. Eunhye tries to find a way to break them.

Surprising Secrets Told Silently By the Mute Boy

By reading the diary of Eunchong, Eunhye learns that he had a hard time struggling with the killer. He uses the Marvel characters to show who was on his side and who was on the killer's side. Eunchong is the Iron Man, Eunhye is the Hulk, and the killer is Captain America. Through the hard process of finding the killer, she can finally understand Eunchong's unique way of expressing things. With Eunhye's help, Eunchong can overcome the trauma of thinking that his father passed away because of him.

About the Author

Lee Chanyoung

(English) Lee Chanyoung is a scenario and novel writer. Lee has written and dramatized scenarios for many films, including The Chase; and Virgin Theory: 7 Steps to Get on Top. While writing many pieces in various genres, from thriller and comedy to horror and human drama, he has risen as a creative writer with a good imagination, regardless of the genre. Killing Peter Rabbit is a thriller and human-drama novel which shows Lee's extraordinary, movie-like imagination.


(Chinese) 作者李赞荣(音译)既是剧本作家又是小说家,曾执笔及改编过《一定要抓住你》、《一次都没经历过的女人》等多个影视剧剧本。另外也是KBS电视台的经典悬疑剧集《传说中的故乡》系列故事中的《假面鬼》、EBS动画片《藤壶卢克斯》等剧本的作者。作者曾创作过惊悚、喜剧、恐怖、人文等多种题材的作品,因想象力丰富而在文坛上展露锋芒。

《杀死PETER RABBIT》这部作品充分展现了作者奇妙且充满戏剧性的想象力,是一部融合了惊悚和人文情感的作品。作者曾凭借《麦当娜来了》在庆北影像文化产业大奖赛中获奖,另一部作品《Making Mr. Paul Potts》则入选了screenwriterspann。


(Russian) Как сценарист и писатель, написал и адаптировал множество сценариев для таких фильмов, как <The chase> и <Женщина, которая никогда не пробовала>. Написал сценарий для работы <Маскарад>, родной город легенды на канале KBS, и написал сценарий для мультфильма канала EBS <Морской жёлудь Ру>. Автор работал над множеством жанров от триллера до комедии, от ужасов до человеческих драм, и зарекомендовал себя как писатель с выдающимся воображением. “Убить кролика Питера” - произведение, в котором причудливая кинематографическая фантазия автора выражается в виде триллера.


(Vietnamese) Vừa là nhà biên kịch, vừa là tiểu thuyết gia, tác giả đã viết và chuyển thể nhiều tác phẩm thành phim như “The Chase”, “Virgin Theory”. Ông cũng biên soạn bộ phim “Mặt nạ” trong chuỗi phim truyền hình Truyền thuyết quê hương của đài KBS, viết kịch bản cho bộ phim hoạt hình “Barnacle Lou”. Tác phẩm “Madona has come” của ông cũng giành được giải thưởng trong cuộc thi Sáng tác contents phim ảnh Kyongbuk. Tác phẩm “Making Me Pall Pots” thắng cử giải thưởng cho nhà biên kịch.


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