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Another Way
: Photo Essay


Park Nohae


Slow Walking


Literature & Fiction


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #alternative
  • #life
  • #Asia
  • #photography
  • #black-and-white
  • #essence
  • #life
  • #civilization
  • #essay
  • #Pakistan

Copyright Contact

Im Sohee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    132 * 190

Handy-size edition of 'Another Way' is a new essay of meeting true self at the end of the road. 141 of ‘Image with a story’ guide us to another way‚ a step to good life.

Book Intro

[Handy-size Essay edition]

From India‚ Pakistan‚ Laos‚ Burma‚ Indonesia to Tibet‚ a journey to villages nowhere to be seen on the map! Whereas people are now calling for ‘the age of Asia’ as “the subject that would rescue capitalism in crisis”‚ Park Nohae‚ who has traveled on his feet here and there in Asia for the past eighteen years‚ asks a serious question: “The emergence of the age of Asia is an event in human history‚ that goes beyond the simple question of shifting of economic power and suggests a task of transition of civilization. What would indeed remain where more than half of the world population have followed the western way of ‘growth and progress’?” The “wonderful everyday” of the unknown people‚ their dedication and integrity were captured and captioned silently and contemplatively‚ touching our mind in a singular way of this photo book.  And a new essay of meeting true self at the end of the road. ‘Image with a story’ guide us to another way‚ a step to good life. If you are in doubt‚ may his nomadic-note guide you as a map of the star in your heart.

About the Author

Park Nohae

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