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A Report on the Destruction of Earth


Oh Seung-hyeon


Wisdom House, Inc


Science & Technology



Overseas Licensing


  • #social science
  • #science
  • #environment

Copyright Contact

Julia Kwon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    135 * 205

What if Earth is destroyed? This book is a report on the destruction of Earth written in advance. The causes of Earth's destruction are introduced one by one.

Book Intro

The destruction of Earth -- a popular topic in many science fiction movies -- has now become a real threat. Global warming is rapidly progressing and nuclear war could break out any day. Considering the tragedy of Easter Island or the extinction of the dinosaurs, mankind could also disappear from the face of the Earth.

It is assumed that an alien discovers this beautiful planet called Earth. The alien predicts the future of Earth using a future predicator to see if it is an appropriate planet to move to. That report is this book. Things that will definitely or are highly likely to happen during our lifetime are included in the book. For example, global warming, accidents at nuclear power plants, asteroid collisions, and the dark side of artificial intelligence are all happening now. It's no exaggeration.

We desperately need a sense of awe and modesty in regards to nature. The moment mankind loses this, it will loose its future. We are dashing forward ignoring the numerous warnings that Earth is sending us. This imaginary report on the destruction of Earth was written to get people interested in the planet we are living on and to make them ponder the role of individuals together. There is a famous quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of The Little Prince: "We do not inherit the earth from our fathers, we borrow it from our children." We are just borrowing Earth. So we need to return it to our decedents in good condition. Reading this book will enable readers to think about what efforts are needed to return Earth in the same condition we received it. 

About the Author

Oh Seung-hyeon

(English) The author studied Korean language and literature at Sogang University which generated an interest in humans, the world, and the universe; this naturally led to a study of the humanities, society, and science. These interests have led the author to write books in various fields. Oh has taught essay writing and creative writing for a long time and has served as an editor for the Elementary Reading Review and High School Reading Review. Currently, Oh is working on books that convey knowledge and general information that all citizens should know. 


Oh's publications include: How Many Times Have You Asked for Consent Today?, Vocabulary Class for Teens, I'm a Decent AI, To Teenagers Asking About the May 18 Democratic Movement, Teenagers Savvy About Real Estate, They're My Rights!, Stories of Labor Not Taught at School, Humanities in the School 1, 2, Teenagers Savvy About AI, I Am the Owner of My Own Thoughts, and others. I Am the Owner of My Own Thoughts is also included as a  Korean middle school curriculum language textbook.


Korean School Librarian Association, 2018, Recommended book

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