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Chohanji, Vol. 1 – 9


Lee Munyol

Hyung Minwoo


GorillaBox Co., Ltd.


Learning Cartoon Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #China
  • #Chinese
  • #classic
  • #classical
  • #history
  • #educational
  • #comic
  • #cartoon
  • #Yi Mun-yol
  • #Hyung Min-woo
  • #Records
  • #Romance
  • #Three Kingdoms

Copyright Contact

Yang Claire

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    188 * 255

This historical comic series is a joint venture between Lee Munyol, writer with a long list of steady-sellers of more than 28 million copies sold, and Hyung Minwoo, the first Korean comic artist to have his work adapted into a Hollywood film.

Book Intro

Alongside Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Records of the Chu-Han Contention (Chohanji) is one of China's most important historical novels that tells the story of heroes and heroines who confronted the supremacy of China toward the tail end of the Qin dynasty around 200 BC. Through this series of graphic novels, children can learn important aspects of Chinese history, geography, and culture that are often overlooked in textbooks.

About the Author

Lee Munyol

Lee Munyol was born in Seoul in 1948 and grew up in Yeongyang County, North Gyeongsang Province. He studied at the College of Education, Seoul National University and debuted in 1979 at The Dong-a Ilbo's annual spring literary contest. Lee's major works include The Son of Man, Passion Portrait, Hail to the Emperor!, Our Twisted Hero, The Poet, and Homo Executans, as well as annotated and novelized retellings of Records of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, and Records of the Chu-Han Contention. He has received the Writer of Today Award, Dong-in Literary Award, and Yi Sang Literary Award, among others. Lee's works have been translated and published in 15 languages throughout 20 countries, including the United States and France.


(Frech) En 1979, il fait ses débuts dans l'art littéraire de Shinchun du Dong-A Ilbo. Parmi les œuvres majeures, citons "Son of Man", "Portrait of a Young Day", "For the Emperor", "Our Twisted Heroes", "Poet" et "Homo Executans". Il a remporté le prix de l'écrivain du jour, le prix de la littérature Dongin et le prix de la littérature Lee Sang. Son œuvre est actuellement traduite et publiée en 15 langues dans plus de 20 pays, dont les États-Unis et la France.

Hyung Minwoo

Following his debut in 1993, comic artist Hyung Minwoo has pioneered the globalization of Korean manhwa with compelling works and a unique style. His major works include Priest, Taewangbukbeolgi, Ghostface, The God's War, and Sambyeolcho. Priest, his most famous work, has been adapted into a Hollywood film and an online game for the Chinese market. Hyung has been awarded the Korean Manhwa Culture Grand Prize.


(French) Il a fait ses débuts en 1993 avec un court-métrage intitulé Chishi Booimgi". Le film phare, "Le Prêtre", a été transformé en jeu en ligne et exporté en Chine, et a également été produit en tant que film hollywoodien. Il a remporté le Korea Comic Culture Awards.

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