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Lunch Box Thief


Jung Ran Hee

Kim Sun Bae


kidari publishing


Picture Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Star Candy Stories
  • #Korea
  • #modern era
  • #landscape of the time
  • #lunch box
  • #memory

Copyright Contact

Kim sang Il

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    230 * 250

This book warms the hearts of readers with stories about a lunch box.

Book Intro

This is one volume of the Star Candy Stories series, which focuses on industrialization in the 1960s and the lives of individuals, families, and neighborhoods during that period. This book tells stories that many readers may have experienced in their neighborhoods, allowing them to recall their memories.

Lunch Box Thief is centered on Heedong who goes to a relatively big school on the outskirts of a city in the early 1980s. As Heedong's sister complains about her lunch box, he steals her lunch. This is the main storyline of the book, and readers can get a glimpse of how precious a lunch box was to students during that period. The book talks about the old culture of packing a lunch box and tells a few stories related to that. It also delivers a message relating to the importance of understanding the difficulties and suffering of neighborhoods and sharing each other's burdens.

About the Author

Jung Ran Hee

(English) Jeong Ranhee studied playwriting at the Seoul Institute of the Arts and children's literature at Dankook University graduate school. Jeong launched her literary career after her children's story "My Aunt is a Fourth Grader" was selected at the Kookje Daily's new writer contest. Jeong wrote the Button Witch Series, including Button Witch's Suspicious Diner, Fortune Family, and How to Become a Superboy. She also authored the young adult novel Mother's Fan Club. Jeong received the 2015 Peace Human Rights Literature Award for her works on peace, human rights issues, and Korean history, as found in her books Butterfly Girls, Mrs. Mu Myeongcheon, and Kwon Kiok: Heaven's Independent Activist.


(Japanese) ソウル芸術大学で文学と演劇を勉強した。 国際新聞新春文芸に童話「わが叔母は4年生」が当選して作品活動を始め、国民日報の子供が書いた童話の審査評を担当した。 図書館や学校で子どもたちに会って面白い話を聞かせるのが大好きで、今も子どもたちがいる場所ならどこにでも駆けつけている。


(Vietnamese) Tác giả từng học chuyên ngành Văn học và Kịch tại trường Đại học Nghệ thuật Seoul. Cô bắt đầu hoạt động viết truyện sau khi truyện tranh “Cô tớ học lớp 4” được đề cử tại giải Văn học nghệ thuật Tân Xuân của báo Quốc tế. Cô cũng từng phụ trách đánh giá truyện tranh do thiếu nhi viết trong một chuyên mục của Nhật báo Kukmin. Tác giả đặc biệt thích đến trường học hoặc thư viện để kể những câu chuyện thú vị cho các em nhỏ. Bất kể nơi nào có trẻ em cô đều sẵn sàng chạy đến để được đồng hành.

Kim Sun Bae

Kim Sun Bae lives in the village featuring a small hill with camellia bushes, a blue sea, a small flower garden in the yard and a starry sky. He now dreams of growing vegetables in his garden only enough to eat with a few friends and drawing interesting pictures while enjoying himself.

Books he has illustrated include Uncle Finger, Sky 天 Earth 地, Life Expedition, Turn the Time Dial, Glacier Rat Skin and A Witch Living Next Door.

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