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Press Me
: (Indonesian) Buku bergambar bayi yang bermain dengan tubuhnya


Lee Eun-seon


kidari publishing


Picture Books


0~2 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #picture book for babies
  • #babies
  • #pressing
  • #physical play
  • #communication
  • #Indonesia Online Consultation

Copyright Contact

Kim sang Il

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    150 * 160

With this picture book, parents and children can play together.

Book Intro

(Indonesian) Ini adalah boardbook untuk bayi. Bayi merasa asing dengan semua hal saat lahir ke dunia dari tubuh ibu. Jika para pembaca memberikan respon positif terhadap rasa penasaran bayi yang baru melihat dunia dan menggunakan buku ini untuk berkomunikasi dengan mereka, para bayi dapat tumbuh dengan bahagia dan para ibu pun akan senang. Selain itu, pengalaman ketika berhasl melakukan sesuatu dan kebahagiaan yang didapat melalui sensor yang menggerakan tubuh para bayi tanpa bantuan khusus akan membantu bayi tumbuh menjadi orang yang berpikir positif dengan tubuh mereka.


(English) Six-month-old babies do various activities with their hands. They grip and examine everything they can touch. This book allows babies to enjoy a pleasurable time by performing these kinds of physical activities.

Press Me shows images of different objects so that babies can touch them with their hands, feel the objects, and enjoy themselves.

They can press soft balls or fold a piece of paper in half and press it in. It is necessary for parents to respond appropriately when babies are doing this. For example, when the babies press the toy phone, they can say "Hello?" or "Oh, you called me!" to make the babies laugh and give them a sense of achievement.

How about allowing your baby to play with this book and then touch the objects in the house to develop their tactile senses? This book will also make babies want to take a nap after a round of play.

About the Author

Lee Eun-seon

(English) She majored in Korean literature in the university and design in the graduate school. Afterwards, She worked at Korea Froebel Art Department. She continues to study picture books because she likes them, and her dream is to create good picture books that warm people’s hearts. She  wrote and illustrated 《Meet Friends in the Winter Forest》, 《If I Changed, If I Changed》, 《Pressing Hard》, 《A Black Chameleon》, 《A Monster Appeared in My Room》, etc.


(Russian) Изучал корейскую литературу в университете и дизайн в аспирантуре. Любит книжки с картинками, продолжает обучение и мечтает создавать добрые книжки с картинками, которые согревают сердца людей. Одна из книг, написанных и нарисованных автором - “Знакомство с друзьями Зимнего леса”.


(Vietnamese) Tác giả đã học văn học Hàn Quốc ở trường đại học và thiết kế ở trường cao học. Đã từng làm việc tại Cục Nghệ thuật Froebel Hàn Quốc. Tác giả yêu sách tranh, vì vậy vẫn đang nghiên cứu về sách tranh. Những cuốn sách tác giả đã viết bao gồm 『Gặp gỡ những người bạn trong rừng mùa đông của tôi』, 『Nếu bạn thay đổi』, 『Tắc kè hoa đen』, 『Nhấn và giữ』, 『Quái vật xuất hiện trong phòng tôi』, và vẽ 『Sói và bảy chú dê con』, 『 Cuộc phiêu lưu của ong mật Maya 』,『 Món quà tuyệt vời nhất 』, v.v.



Book Culture Foundation, 2018, Selected Book of Bookstart

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