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A Nine-Year-Old’s Two-Wheeled Bike


Shin Woonsun

Sim Boyoung




Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Children’s story
  • #two-wheeled bike
  • #beautiful challenge
  • #innocent mind
  • #how to play together
  • #empathy
  • #games and rules

Copyright Contact

Kim Heejeon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    188 * 245

Three stories full of the inescapable charm of a nine-year-old that will make you want to go back to when you were nine, even if just for a moment.

Book Intro

A Nine-Year-Old’s Two-Wheeled Bike


Jiyu suddenly insisted on removing the training wheels on her bike. She made up her mind after Huey from upstairs passed her on a two-wheeled bike, asking, “Are you still riding a toy?” Her father said he would help her on the weekend, but she brushed his words aside and went to the playground by herself. It wasn’t like she didn’t want Huey to stand by and help by coaching her, but it got on her nerves. She was in a hurry to learn to ride a two-wheeled bike well, like her friend Huey and the older girl living in the apartment building next to theirs. As days of envy and hard work gradually passed, one day, her two-wheeled bike split the air and rolled forward, leaving a smile on Jiyu’s face.


 Jiyu’s admiration for her teacher is shared by her classmates, leading to a competition to see who likes their teacher the most. But the conversation about how much they liked their teacher somehow took an unexpected turn and ended up becoming a chat about smelly farts and poop galore. The conversation lasted until lunchtime, causing Jiyu to lose her appetite and eventually leave food on her plate. The teacher probably likes children who aren’t picky with their food and who eat everything on their plate, so Jiyu was worried. Then she happens to get a glimpse of her teacher’s plate and finds a ray of hope.


Jiyu and her friends were playing Cops and Robbers in the playground. There were five of them, so one had to be the kkakdugi, a player who gets to play on both sides. Naturally, all eyes turned to Jiyu, who was small and slow. Jiyu was forced to volunteer as the kkakdugi, but naturally, she didn’t feel good. Then the other kids tried to get the kkakdugi to play on their team, making her feel much better. Jiyu and her friends made up new rules whenever a problem occurred while playing games. At first sight, their conversation seemed to flow in a ridiculous direction as they said whatever came to mind, but it was amazing how the kids always found their way to their rightful places. The children, listening to each other’s ideas and solving problems, seemed better than the adults. Nine-year-old children enjoying and creating something together can be quite beautiful.


About the Author

Shin Woonsun

(English) Shin Woonsun won the 12th Ma Hae-song Literary Award and the 2019 ARCO Grant for Creative Literature in the children’s fiction category. She dives into the minds of her characters with sharp and sensitive eyes, but the stories she weaves are infinitely candid and affectionate. She wrote the children’s stories Happy Birthday to Me and Live with the Wind, and a work of young adult fiction, The Second Moon, the Blue Moon. She also co-authored A Report of the Damage in A’s Life, a collection of stories. She is excited to meet her young readers with A Nine-Year-Old’s Two-Wheeled Bike.


(Chinese) 作者曾获第12届马海松文学奖,也曾在2019年Arco文学创作赞助长篇童话单元获奖,善于敏锐而细致地观察人物的内心,描绘非常单纯和温馨的故事。作品有童话《祝我生日快乐》和《随风而逝》,青少年小说《第二次满月,蓝月亮》和系列丛书《A君的人生伤害报告书》等。这次可以通过《九岁的自行车》与低年级儿童读者见面,作者感到非常开心。

Sim Boyoung

(English) Sim Boyeong lives with an elderly snow-white cat. She creates stories and illustrations about the events happening in her lap and the world around her. She received an Excellence Award in the Woongjin Junior Picture Book Contest for her book The Restaurant Vacation. Several of her illustrated books are Lucky Drawing Hearts, The Nine-Year-Old’s Bicycle, Inside the Pencil Case at Deep Night, and The Weight of Secrets. She has also written and illustrated picture books including Mr. Steaming Hot Dumpling, Amazing Beards and the series Buzz Buzz Honey Pharmacy.


(Chinese) 作者和爷爷辈的白猫一起生活,记录当天在膝盖上发生的事情和现在世界上发生的事情,凭借《餐厅假日》获得了第2届熊津青少年绘本公募展优秀奖。绘制了《深夜的笔袋里》、《秘密的重量》和《高兴的秘密》等书的插图,创作并绘画了《热腾腾的蒸包先生》、《嗡嗡蜂蜜药房》系列、《了不起的胡子》等。作者现与白毛爷爷猫生活在一起。她将把今天在自己膝盖上所发生的故事和世界上发生的故事做成图画展现给大家。绘本《餐厅度假》曾在熊津青少年画册征集活动中获得优秀奖。插画的绘本有《拔心》 《九岁的双脚自行车》《深夜笔筒里》 《秘密的重量》,还自写自画的绘本有《热乎乎的馒头氏》《了不起的胡子》 《嗡嗡——蜜药房》等系列。


(Indonesian) Shim Boyoung menggambar dengan sepenuh hati dengan harapan ia tidak akan kehilangan hati yang suci. Buku bergambar yang ia gambar antara lain "Haesari si Petani Cilik", "Ayah yang Menangkap Kupu-kupu", "Bumi yang penuh keributan" dan lain-lain. Selain itu, buku yang ia tulis dan gambar yaitu "Kumis Hebat".

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