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Tears Vanishing Sponge


Hong Min-jung

Oh Jeongtaek




Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Children’s story
  • #relationships
  • #understanding emotions
  • #expressing emotions
  • #brotherhood

Copyright Contact

Kim Heejeon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    168 * 220

The book conveys the wish that people would accept emotions as a medium to express and understand oneself and others rather than as a tool to evaluate someone.

Book Intro

Tears Vanishing Sponge


Wuramy is teased for crying at his aunt’s wedding. He and his aunt were particularly close because she looked after young Wuramy instead of his mom, who worked. Of course, not all boys cry at their aunt’s wedding. In fact, Wuramy did tend to cry a lot. His friends and grownups often scolded him for crying too often and he bickered with his younger sister Jaramy because she teased him whenever he cried. Wuramy is invited to Eunchae’s birthday party. He goes to the store to get her a present and buys a mysterious thing: a sponge that absorbs tears clean! All you had to do was stick it under your eyes and your eyes didn’t get red or swollen even if you cried. How amazing! The Tears Vanishing Sponge worked indeed. It was great because Wuramy didn’t have to hold back his tears, even when watching a sad movie or when arguing with his friends for teasing him. But something began to change with Wuramy. His face started to go blank even when he was happy or sad. Jaramy also thought this changed Wuramy was strange. Crucially, Wuramy ended up disappointing Eunchae, whom he had a crush on. Wuramy begins to wonder if it is because of the sponge. He digs into the trash can and finds the sponge wrapper. On it, he finds a warning written in the tiniest print. “If you go to sleep with the sponge on your face, your face will no longer reveal your feelings, and you will only be able to recover your original self by shedding tears by yourself.” Wuramy, whose tears had not only dried up but who could no longer express his feelings, asks Jaramy for help. Although Jaramy often teased and fought with her brother, she likes Wuramy and tries everything to help him recover his feelings. But when her efforts are unsuccessful, Jaramy ends up crying. Watching her cry, Wuramy bursts into tears. The next day, Wuramy happens to watch a video of when he was young with his dad. Dad tells him that it’s okay to cry all you want when tears come, but also warns him not to use tears as a weapon. A smile blossoms on Wuramy’s face as he eats the instant noodles his dad cooked.

About the Author

Hong Min-jung

(English) Hong Minjeong graduated from the Department of Creative Writing at Chung-Ang University and worked as a journalist, a scriptwriter, and as an editor at a publishing house. She began writing children’s stories when she took part in the Jeonnam Ilbo Spring Literary Contest in 2012. As she writes, she dreams of a world full of warm-hearted people, a world in which people and animals are happy together. She won the MBC Grand Prize for Original Children’s Stories, the 10th Pureun Literature Award for new writers, and the Grand Prize in the 24th Changbi Good Children’s Book Manuscript Contest. Her works include The Problem-Solving Cat, Kamnyang series; the Romantic Dog, Bon-bon series; A Laughing Funeral; The Grace of a Primary Schoolkid; Keep Out, Mom; and Worry Laundry Service.


(Chinese) 毕业于中央大学文艺创作专业,曾担任过记者、广播作家和出版社编辑。2012年经《全南日报》新春文艺步入文坛后,开始从事童话创作。怀着愿世界处处都是热心人、人类和动物幸福生活的梦想,从事写作。曾获MBC创作童话大奖、第10届蓝色文学奖新锐作家奖、第24届创批优秀儿童图书征文赛大奖。著有《猫咪终结者——黑猫》系列、《浪漫小狗棒棒》系列、《大伙儿都开心的葬礼》、《小学生的品味》、《禁止妈妈出入》、《忧心洗衣店》等作品。


(Vietnamese) Làm việc như một nhà báo, tác giả truyền hình, biên tập tạp chí sau khi tốt nghiệp khoa sáng tác văn học tại trường Đại học Chung-ang, và khi chiến thắng tại hội trại sáng tác đầu xuân của Jeon-nam nhật báo thì bắt đầu viết truyện thiếu nhi. Vẽ: tốt nghiệp khoa thời trang trường đại học Sungkyunkwan, học vẽ tranh minh họa tại trường đào tạo vẽ tranh minh họa Hàn Quốc (HILLS). Mang tình yêu lớn với những thứ thân thuộc nhưng cũng luôn mong có sự hài trước trong những bức tranh và tạo ra sự mới mẻ.



(Japanese) 子供の読者たちに直接会い、童話を書く喜びと責任を一に感じている。2012年全南日報新春文藝を通して童話作家になり、MBC創作童話大賞、第24回チャンビ「良い子ども本」原稿公募大賞を受けた。著書に『猫解決士カムニャン』、『心配ランドリ』、『みんなが笑うお葬式』、『の父が出た』などがある。

Oh Jeongtaek

(English) Oh Jeongtaek studied textile art and craft design as an undergraduate and graduate at Hongik University. He currently works on illustrations for children’s books and engages in a variety of activities, creating spatial and visual designs. He received a prize at the Noma Concours for Picture Book Illustrations and was selected as Illustrator of the Year at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. He illustrated the books A True Seven-Year-Old, Dumbfounded by This Kid, Bungeoppang Gloves, The Rainbow Farted Bangy-bong-bang-bang, and The Pig that Wiped His Bottom with Books.


(Chinese) 曾在弘益大学及弘益大学研究生院学习纤维美术和工艺设计。目前正在从事儿童图书插画、空间及视觉设计等工作。曾在国际诺玛大赛上获奖,还曾入选博洛尼亚国际儿童图书展“年度插画师”。为《真正的7岁》、《让人哭笑不得的家伙》、《鲫鱼饼手套》、《彩虹狗放屁“噗噗噗”》、《用书擦屁股的猪》等作品创作过插画。

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