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Geumsoon Is Waiting for You


Yoon Sung Eun

Kyung Hyewon


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #children’s fairy tales
  • #pets
  • #dogs
  • #friendships
  • #coexistence
  • #waiting

Copyright Contact

Lee Bokhee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    170 * 220

A dog abandoned by a human family and a child waiting for her busy parents accidentally meet and have a magical day and become a family.

Book Intro

(English) Geumsoon Is Waiting for You 

Geumsoon is a dog. She is sitting at the playground, waiting for her human sister to pick her up. The last thing her sister had said to her was, “Geumsoon, wait here!” 

However, even though it’s getting dark, her sister does not come. An old lady suddenly appears and says something mysterious. 

"When the sun rises tomorrow, your body will become human. But only for one day." 

The next day, Geumsoon becomes a human being except she still has a tail, probably due to the old lady’s mistake. Other than that, she looks like a perfect human. But the real magic is just beginning for Geumsoon! 


Sarang doesn’t know Geumsoon’s true identity or that just yesterday she was a dog. Sarang finds Geumsoon on Children’s Day. She had been waiting for the day for a long time. But her parents are busy working, so she is spending the day alone. When she passes through the playground, she sees Geumsoon digging the ground with her bare hands! When Sarang plays with Geumsoon, she starts to become suspicious. Geumsoon doesn’t know her own age, and she sniffs and even talks to dogs. But it doesn’t matter. They are together, and it is good to be together. 

The real magic is being by each other’s side and giving each other comfort. 


A soft and warm fairy tale that will melt your heart. Waiting for someone every day is the daily life of Geumsoon and Sarang. So, they understand each other very well. After their chance meeting at the playground, they become the closest of friends, like magnets. They eat together, play in the sand together, play “hair salon” and ball together, and fully enjoy Children’s Day together. 

When friends are together, even a dark place becomes sunny. You believe in ridiculous things and wait for something or someone together. Geumsoon and Sarang’s friendship deepens as they fill each other’s loneliness, explore the world through play, and wait together. They want to share secrets and even make secrets when they don’t have any. However, no matter how long they wait, Geumsoon’s sister doesn’t come for Geumsoon. Sarang makes a promise to Geumsoon, thinking about what it would be like if her mom and dad didn’t come to get her. 

“I’ll always be by your side.” 

“Let’s stay together at my house until you find your sister.” 

It’s lonely to wait alone, but it means a lot to wait together. 

In the end, Sarang’s parents realize how she feels, and Geumsoon and Sarang become a family. This last scene gives relief to readers and lets them know that all they need is some time to get to know strangers. Readers learn that loving themselves and putting themselves in another’s shoes is important in relationships, and that respect is key.


About the Author

Yoon Sung Eun

(English) Yoon Sung-eun studied social welfare and psychology. She received the Sagye Kim Jang-Saeng New Writer Award for Goodbye, My Love and was nominated for the Bulgyo newspaper New Spring Literary Contest for My Name Used to Be Kongtteock and the National Ecological Center Ecological Literature Contest for Plastic Giant.

Kyung Hyewon

(English) Kyung Hyewon studied English literature at university before becoming interested in picture books and beginning her journey as a picture book creator. She’s not sure exactly when she first found out about dinosaurs, but she’s certain that it was love at first sight. Kyung has written and drawn a number of books, including Elevator, Just Give Me a Bite (published in Taiwan), Special Friends and Bigger than You! (published in the U.S.) and Dinosaur X-ray (published in Taiwan, Belgium, and Russia). She illustrated Organisms are Alive, A Girl Drawing Dreams, Shin Saimdang, Scholar Yi Goes to the Marketplace and Admiral Yi Sun-sin's Notes on Turtle Ship.


(Japanese) 毎日カレンダーをめくりながら、『大きな秘密の友達』、『私はライオン』、『ドスンドスン』、『ろうそくの本』、『エレベーター』、『特別な友達』などの絵本を制作。 暖かく、愛らしい想像力で、私たちの身近な存在を少し違った目線で描く絵本作家。絵を描いた本に『クム・スンイが待ってます』、『忘れてもいいですか』、『司書になった猫』などがある。


(Russian) В университете автор изучал английскую литературу. Влюбился(ась) в очарование книжек с картинками, поэтому больше всего нравится создавать книжки с картинками. Также интересуется старыми рассказами и классическими произведениями, поэтому много работает с ними. Книги с картинками авора <Ах, я наступил на дерьмо>, <Старый добрый дворик>, <Памятник, который рассказывает историю Кореи> и <Окданчунчжон>, книги, написанные и нарисованные автором <Особые друзья>, <Лифт>, <Один укус>, <Я выше!> и другие.


(French) Elle s'est spécialisée en littérature anglaise parce qu'elle aime écrire et elle est devenue illustratrice parce qu'elle aime peindre, et elle aime faire des livres d'images avec l'écriture et le dessin. Livres écrits et dessinés, "Special Friends", "Elevator", "Dinosaur X-Ray", "One Bite", "I'm taller ! 


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