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Drawing the Days’ Moments with You
: Becoming a daddy day after day




Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #Essay
  • #Parentingbooks
  • #Dad
  • #Daughter
  • #Family
  • #Dayilylife
  • #Growingup

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  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    147 * 200

Merry and happy days with a little bit of hustle and bustle. Daily stories of a father and his daughter by picture book author Lee Seog-gu.

Book Intro

(English) <Drawing the days' moments with you>

"Merry and happy days with a little bit of hustle and bustle. Daily stories of a father and his daughter by picture book writer Lee Seog-gu. 

A father who is seen through his daughter's eyes, often spaced out while washing dishes and often found asleep everywhere in the house. He is good at reading books, is the best at playing with dolls, and is the one who goes with his daughter to the playground in case she doesn't have anyone there to play with. She is not good at making direct requests when she wants something, but she carefully follows her own ways when she eats. She doesn't like going out, but she finishes preparing faster than anyone else to go to her friend's house. And she returns home and reads books for a long time. 

Drawing the Days’ Moments with You is a story written by picture book writer Lee Seog-gu that looks into his daily life with his daughter and his feelings during those moments. More than ninety episodes are included in the book, from the moment his daughter was born to the time she enters school. Moments that he wouldn't have known without her, days that seem to repeat but are not the same. Memories of small but precious happiness make the days into a beautiful life.

Lee Seog-gu, the author of the book, sometimes annoys his daughter, but he is the only one who plays badminton with her and reads books to her, becomes a chair when she wants to sit down, and becomes her legs when her new shoes hurt her feet. Sometimes she shows bold determination when her father's work is not going well, but most of the time, she is just a lovable child. They both love the old songs of Michael Jackson, Lee Sang-eun and Seiko Matsuda, and they both love extra-large watermelons when it’s summertime. They draw their days together like this every day. 

At a meeting one day, I was surprised when a teddy bear that my daughter had given to me popped out from my bag (‘Hi Bear’ is his name), I have come to enjoy the taste of noodles that aren’t spicy (but I still miss the spicy ones), I have felt the thrill of riding a long elephant-shaped slide alone because she was curious about it but too scared to ride it. 

Moments and experiences that I wouldn't have known without her continue to pile up as the days go by. Some days seem to repeat at times, but they’re not the same—small differences make each and every day a new beautiful day. These are some of the days we have made together. "


(Spanish/español) <Dibujando juntos el día de hoy>

Días ocupados, divertidos, emocionantes y conmovedores. "Dibujando juntos el día de hoy" es un ensayo de dibujos animados creado por Lee Seog gu quien se dedica a elaborar libros de dibujo, analiza la vida cotidiana con su hija y las diversas especificaciones que la constituyen. La obra contiene alrededor de 90 episodios, desde el nacimiento de su hija, comenzó a aparecer su rostro en el lavabo hasta la historia del momento en que se siente molesto por las preguntas de sus padres sobre la vida escolar. Las carcajadas se escuchan en los dibujos a lápiz de colores, expresando los momentos que no hubiera conocido si no fuese por su hija, los días que parecen repetirse pero no son iguales, y pequeñas y preciosas caras en ellos.


About the Author


Born in Seoul, Lee Seog-gu graduated from Kookmin University with a major in visual communication design. He has written the picture books Pit-a-Pat, Hide and Seek, Baby Breeze, and The Whole World Is White. He has illustrated the books A Puppy Goes to the Chicken Farm, The Best Baker Wears a Skirt, and Rock, Paper, Scissor, and Cheer Up!

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