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Dr. Song’s Neuroscience Story
: Neuroscience in Our Age That Connects Knowledge and Life


Song Minryung


EAST-ASIA Publishing Co.


Science & Technology



Overseas Licensing


  • #Neuroscience
  • #Brain Science
  • #A.I.
  • #Free Will
  • #Ego
  • #Science and Society
  • #Science and Ethics

Copyright Contact

Park Minji

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    145 * 215

The book honestly and calmly explains what neuroscience is, how it is conducted, and how we should approach it. Building on that, the book discusses whether neuroscience can change our lives and the world for the better.

Book Intro

Let’s think about what kind of science “brain science” is. When it comes to brain science, you might naturally think that the brain is the only subject of study. In fact, the word “neuroscience” is more accurate as it points to the nervous system, which extends throughout the body and interacts closely with the brain. It is not a problem that the expression “brain science” has become the fixed phrase in Korea instead of “neuroscience.” However, it tends to be misunderstood, as if brain science will tell you everything about our mind. In any case, it is worth remembering that brain science does not only study the brain.


The ways we approach brain science and the ways we do research are incredibly diverse. A neuroscientist with a background in psychology often studies people using brain imaging technology, a scholar with a background in computer science works by simplifying models of psychological phenomena, and a scientist working in biology performs animal experiments. Although it is the same discipline, scientists interpret and explore the brain and neural activity differently, depending on one's perspective and background.


Unlike her previous work, Song’s Neuroscience Lab, which focuses on explaining the achievements of brain science, this book unpacks the message of brain science for us in the style of an essay. Through this book, readers will be able to think about how brain science and the activity of science are connected to our lives. Scientific knowledge seems to point us in a clear direction because it is an objective fact, but that is only our wish. Science also evolves by changing and arguing, and is influenced by social climates and currents. Song asks us to view the whole process and understand it all as part of science. The important thing is not the content of science, but the attitude taken in approaching it, as she wholeheartedly shows.

About the Author

Song Minryung

Song Minryung has been interested in the brain since the time when university departments of brain science were rare. She double majored, choosing Mathematics, the language of science, to theoretically examine complex brain activity, and Life Science to explore the biological principles of the brain. She also took electrical engineering classes to understand the electrical properties of neural circuits. After completing her undergraduate studies at KAIST, she received her master’s degree in Neuroscience and Mathematics from the University of Arizona, USA, and completed her Ph.D. in Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST.

She has serialized Dr. Song’s Neuroscience Story in the Kyunghyang Shinmun and Dr. Song’s Neuroscience Essay in Maekyung Premium, and has given seminars and lectures at TEDxKAIST, Hundred Books, and the Counseling Society.


Selected as a Sejong Book 2020 (under There Are Neither Female Brains Nor Male Brains, the previous title of this revised edition) by the Korea Publication Industry Promotion Agency

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