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No Longer a Maximalist


Shin Gwiseon




Literature & Fiction



Overseas Licensing


  • #Minimalism
  • #Zero Waste
  • #Environment
  • #Room Organization
  • #2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Vietnam
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Japan
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand

Copyright Contact

Kang Sugeul

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    140 * 205

This book introduces a minimalist housewife who was born in 1990: what made her decide to be a minimalist, how she is becoming one, and the ways in which she practices zero waste with her child.

Book Intro

(English) No longer a Maximalist

A book that tells the story of a 90s-born housewife's journey towards a minimalist life, including the reasons for starting and the process of becoming a minimalist, as well as practicing zero waste with her child.

The author, who used to enjoy buying pretty things and filling her house to the brim, referred to herself as a maximalist. One day, she began living in a modest 18 square meter space, and after having a child, struggled with maintaining cleanliness and order in their cramped living quarters. She began a minimalist lifestyle that focuses on the present, pouring her energy into her family instead of wasting it on cleaning and organizing. The author shares tips on minimalist living and zero-waste practices, as well as a mission for readers to follow.


About the Author

Shin Gwiseon

(English) Shin, a 1990-born ordinary housewife, runs a simple and efficient household. She has a quiet friend and wise teacher in books and considers meeting good books as one of the greatest things in life. While practicing a minimalist lifestyle, her home has become better and her daily life has become happier. She operates an SNS account on the topics of minimalism and zero waste and is practicing them with many others. Although she dislikes tedious work, she dreams of becoming a recycling expert as her interest in waste management grows. While taking walks with her child, she participates in litter picking. In the future, she hopes to age peacefully with her husband while practicing true non-possession.


(Japanese) 90年生まれの普通の主婦で、簡潔で効率的な暮らしを営んでいる。ミニマリストライフを実践することで家が良くなり、暮らしが楽しくなった。ミニマリストライフとゼロウェイストをテーマにSNSを運営し、多くの人と一緒に実践している。面倒なことは嫌いだが、ゴミへの関心が高まり、分別収集博士になることを夢見ている。子供と散歩をしながらゴミ拾いに参加している。


(Vietnamese) Là một bà nội trợ bình thường sinh năm 1990, tác giả đang điều hành một gia đình gọn gàng và hiệu quả. Sau khi làm việc với tư cách là một nhà văn viết về brunch, tác giả đã may mắn có thể xuất bản một cuốn sách với các bài viết của mình. Khi thực hành cuộc sống tối giản, đã giúp ngôi nhà được cải thiện và cuộc sống trở nên hạnh phúc hơn. Cô cũng có một trang mạng xã hội chủ yếu với chủ đề cuộc sống tối thiểu và không lãng phí và đang thực hiện nó với nhiều người. Tác giả ghét phiền phức, nhưng khi mối quan tâm về rác ngày càng lớn thì cô ấy mơ ước trở thành tiến sĩ về phân loại rắc. Sau này, tác giả muốn thực hiện sự vô sở hữu thực sự và bình yên già đi bên chồng.

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