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The Eraser


Oh Sena




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #Eraser
  • #pencil
  • #stationery
  • #chicken

Copyright Contact

Kim Byoung Oh

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    240 * 237

Is a pencil simply a tool for writing? This book shows the an extraordinary world created by the eraser and the paper.

Book Intro

ture book or a notebook?

This picture book is not a picture book. Normally, a picture book has its title, the name of its author, and its publisher on its cover. But for this book, there is nothing like those. So it is just a notebook.

You hold it and start to scrutinize it. This is not a notebook but a book. Its title and publisher are both on its spine and inside of it, so it is not to mention that it is a book. Turning the pages, you will also discover the pictures and letters. So it is a picture book, indeed.

Now then, let’s look into the inside and figure out what contents it has as a book that confuses us like this.

On the first page on the left side, you will find an eraser that has turned into a fish and the word ‘chicken.’ On the right page are the dark scribbles you saw on the front cover. Is it a picture book for hide-and-seek? You look for the chicken. Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken... Well, it’s so difficult to find out where the chicken is. It’s like playing Where's Wally?. You give up and go to the next page.

Snake. Someone rubbed out the word chicken and wrote the word snake next to it. On the right page, the eraser fish swims forward leaving a line behind. The trace may seem like a snake, but well...

You turn more pages but the circumstances are the same. On the left page, the words get erased and on the right page, something is drawn. But you don’t understand what is going on. You have no idea - whether it is a hide-and-seek picture book or it is a book of an enigma to be solved following the pictures.

Oh Sena, the author, leaves a puzzling message:
“As the moon in the sky repeatedly empties out and fills up itself, I want to live like nature.”

The moon alters its shape every day. An eraser is transformed every time it erases. The same goes for the pencil. So the author might try to say that things have not a single appearance but a variety of appearances and that they will appear differently depending on how we stare at them.

About the Author

Oh Sena

(English) I love to observe and think about small and trivial things. This is because they gather to become a story. I would love to write and illustrate picture books which embrace philosophy without being overwhelming. Other books I wrote and illustrated include Robot Friend and Eraser.


(French) Elle aime observer et penser aux petites choses. Cet ensemble devient une histoire. Elle voudrait écrire des livres illustrés qui contiennent la philosophie des petites choses. Les livres que elle a écrits et illustrés incluent « Mon ami, Robot » et « Gomme à effacer ».


(Chinese) 我的视线总是停留在微不足道的地方,在以此讲述生活的哲学故事。阅读本书的读者也请仔细观察这种细微之处吧,其中会包含我们的所有人生故事。2020/2022年,《冰山》与《黑兔》入选“博洛尼亚国际儿童图书展年度插图画家”;2023年,《俄罗斯方块》获得“纳米比赛绿岛奖”。


(Japanese) 私たちは普段小さくて些細なところに目を留めます。私はその眼差しに暮らしの哲学を取り入れて物語を作ります。この本を読んでくださる皆さんも小さくて些細なものにじっくりと目を向けてください。その中に私たちの暮らしのすべてが盛り込まれているはずです。2020年に『氷山』、2022年に『黒うさぎ』がボローニャ国際児童図書展の「今年のイラストレーター」に選定、2023年『テトリックス』で国際的な絵本賞(※有名なんでしょうか。説明があると分かりやすい気がしました)ナミコンクールのグリーンアイランド賞を受賞。


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