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I Always Turn Barefaced at Art Museums.
: The paintings, artists, and art that enabled me to withstand long nights.


Lee Saera


Tornado MediaGroup


Art & Culture



Overseas Licensing


  • #Art; life; artist; barefaced; self-esteem; painter; art; courage; women; appreciation; hobby; essay

Copyright Contact

Park Eunhwa;Shin Haeun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    140 * 205

This is a record of the times I felt consoled, healed, and happy from paintings, artists, and art.

Book Intro

The author of this book introduces 31 artists. You may have encountered artists before at the Seoul Arts Center, the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, but some artists are probably so unknown to you that you’ve never even heard their names. 

Why and how were these artists and works of art selected by the author? The artists and the works in this book deliver encouragement and consolation to those living through the current reality of COVID-19.

As you read this book, you will realize that these passionate artists who so desperately stayed true to their values are not special people with extraordinary genes. You will find that their works can still make you smile or cry even without requiring any background knowledge. You will see that art doesn’t have to be something that is elegant, showy, and tough to understand.

About the Author

Lee Saera

Lee Saera graduated from the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Dongguk University. She started work as a weather forecaster for KBS in October of 2012 and later hosted a program entitled “I Love Movies” for three years from 2016. While studying art history at the Graduate School of Ewha Womans University, Lee received docent training at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea. She aims to become an art translator who can convey various types of art-related content through her own unique interpretation.

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