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SEON: The Path of Korean Zen Buddhist Meditation


Theodore Joon Park


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Humanities & Society



Overseas Licensing


  • #zen
  • #enlightenment
  • #meditation

Copyright Contact

Lee Youngeun

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    145 * 210

'When we feel heavy with worries, when we are angry, when we are unhappy, when we are afraid, when we feel insecure, what should we do?' Searching for the things that school has never taught you.

Book Intro

No matter how much technology develops or how economically prosperous it becomes, it cannot solve the issues that arise within our own minds. This is the age where we can learn anything we want, but yet there is one thing that no one teaches us.


'What should we do when we are frustrated?'


'When we feel heavy with worries, when we are angry, when we are unhappy, when we are afraid, when we feel insecure, what should we do?'


The author wrote the book to let us know the necessary things that are essential for our lives and society to be able to function fully, but that cannot be learned from school. He suggests that we all change the reality of anxiety, depression, anger, aversion, and addiction, which are spreading silently.


“The reason we meditate is because there are times within our lives where we are overwhelmed. Meditation begins with resolving personal suffering, and helps stimulate personal growth and development, and further awakens human consciousness and causes transformation. It's managing what we do right here, right now. Meditation is extremely practical.”


The books were written by a Korean American who came to Korea alone in 1987 with questions about the gloomy world and human existence. After practicing Korean traditional meditation for nearly 30 years, and he now became a '21st century city practitioner'. These books are the sincere confession about the years of trial and error in order to gain enlightenment in Korean temples with different languages and cultures by a young man.


The author wrote this book during his path to enlightenment. He wanted to share his journey to reach enlightenment to others as once we have faced it, we will be able to enjoy life. But the path could be difficult as we all have our personal struggles such as depression, anxiety and fears and he would like to help us find it easier.

About the Author

Theodore Joon Park

Theodore Joon Park studied Comparative Religion at Harvard University, United States of America. After finishing his studies at Harvard, he came to Korea hearing the story of Seon Master Songdam. He underwent discipline for 20 years under Master Songdam and currently is a disengaged monk back in the world. He now plans to travel back and forth Korea and U.S. to write about, give lectures, and instruct zen meditation to general people. His goal is to create proper understanding about zen meditation and impregnate it into everyday lives of people.

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