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Tangerine Green


Cho Nam joo


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Literature & Fiction


Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #fiction
  • #YA
  • #teenager
  • #comingofage
  • #girls

Copyright Contact

Eom Heejeong

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    140 * 205

A new full-length novel by Cho Nam-joo, the author of KIM JI-YOUNG, BORN IN 1982.

Book Intro

Writer Cho Nam-joo who sharply draws out a narrative of empathy from each person enough to say that “Who wrote my story here?” has recorded the time of green that we all experienced.


Six years ago, when the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education’s re-evaluation of Autonomous Private High Schools drew public attention, we couldn’t find the appearance of students on the screen which was broadcasting a rally of interested parties.


Looking at the news, the author wondered what teenagers today would think about, and what they would think about the current entrance examination system and the amount of learning and it became the driving force behind the novel.


“Danan-dong” where has the best education infrastructure becoming an object of everyone’s envy, creating a sense of inferiority for someone, and "Shinyoungjin-gu" of Gyeonggi-do Province where neighbored on “Danan-dong.”


So-ran, Da-yoon, Hae-in and Eun-ji are known as “always stick to each other” and they met in a movie club that no one else applied. They went on a trip to Jeju Island right before the third year of junior high school and made a promise rather impulsively. And then they put it in a time capsule. There were reasons respectively behind this promise that might change in the future. The novel tells a story of their innermost thoughts with this promise. Like glancing the still scene over peacefully flowing timeline putting cursor, the writer scans characters and their surroundings.


So-ran, who has not been consoled though she broke with a friend who spent the most of time without knowing anything. Da-yoon, who has received expectations and favors from school but feels lonely because of her sick younger brother. Hae-in, who has been hurt by her father's inability to communicate with her and living in a broken home. Eun-ji, who has had bitter memories of being cut off from her friends' group without knowing the reason.


With the ambiguity of going against relationship between themselves and their feeling which is too subtle to bring out, they have been in the silence and continue to grow. It looks like they resemble all of us in this era who are strive to live just like holding branches and moving on ephemeral time in the midst of a slight sneeze in ordinary days.


In the arrow of a broken relationship, in the midst of a subtle feeling, in the suffocating feeling of having no voice, they continue to grow and are building up their time. It resembles all of us who go on through the time of green.

About the Author

Cho Nam joo

(English) The author was born in Seoul in 1978. She graduated from the Department of Sociology, Ewha Womans University and worked as a scriptwriter for current affairs and culture programs, such as <PD Note>, <Complaint Zero>, and <Live Today Morning>, for 10 years. She debuted as a novelist in 2011 at winning the Munhakdongne Novel Award with the long novel When You Listen Carefully. She received the Hwangsanbeol Youth Literature Award with the long novel For Gomanechi in 2016 and was granted the 2017 Writer of Today Award with Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 published in the same year. Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 has been translated in various countries worldwide, grabbing global attention. Her books include the full-length novels For Gomanechi, Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, Saha Mansion, and the novel collection Her Name Is.


(Russian) Родилась в 1978 году в Сеуле. После окончания факультета социологии Женского университета Ихва в течение 10 лет работала автором образовательных программ, таких как [Блокнот PD] [Жалоб нет] [Прямая трансляция сегодня утром]. В 2011 году написала первую работу “Внимательно слушая”, за которую получила премию “Литературный район”. Выиграла премию Today”s Artist Award в 2017 году за роман “Ким Чжи Ён, рожденная в 1982 году” опубликованный в 2016 году. “Ким Чжи Ён, рожденная в 1982 году” в настоящее время переводится на разные языки для стран по всему миру.



 Diplômé de l'Ewha Women's College of Sociology, il a travaillé pendant 10 ans comme rédacteur pour les prestigieux programmes d'arts libéraux tels que PD Notebook, Complaint Zero, et Live Broadcasting this morning pendant 10 ans. En 2011, elle fait ses débuts en tant que romancière avec un prix du roman du quartier littéraire pour "Quand on écoute". Elle a reçu le prix de l'artiste d'aujourd'hui en 2017 pour Kim Ji-Young née en 82, publié la même année que le prix de littérature pour la jeunesse Huangshan Bee en 2016 pour le roman spécial "pour Komanechi". Kim Ji Young, né en 82, est actuellement traduit dans différentes langues à travers le monde et a attiré l'attention du monde entier. Il y a aussi des romans de fond, "Pour Komanechi, Kim Ji Young né en 82, Saha Mansion", et le livre roman "Son nom".

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