- Overview
A story about a boy who is waiting for his mom at the tram stop.
- Book Intro
(Russian) Навстречу маме
Иллюстрированная книга о маленькой девочке, которая вышла к трамвайной остановке встречать свою маму. От холода носик у неё совсем замёрз и покраснел, но она продолжает терпеливо ждать маму. Происходящее вокруг девочки на остановке перемежается со сценами повседневной жизни Кореи 30-х годов, тонко передавая душевные переживания ребёнка, с нетерпением ждущего свою маму.
(English) Waiting for Mom
A very young boy is waiting for his mom at the tram stop. Each time a tram approaches, he asks "is my mom coming?" His nose is red due to the cold weather, but he keeps waiting for his mom. The famous Korean novelist Lee Taejoon, who is known for his simple and crystal-clear writing style, wrote this short story, and Kim Dong Sung illustrated it to make this picture book. The book delivers the heartwarming and heartbreaking affection of the boy for his mom. The intersecting background images of the 1930s' Korean landscapes and the boy waiting for a tram add special charm to this picture book.
- About the Author
Lee Taejoon
(Russian) Писатель Ли Тхэчжун родился в Чхорвоне в 1904 году и в своё время прослыл мастером слова за его простой и ясный лаконичный стиль. В 1946 году он перебрался в Северную Корею, где прожил до конца своей жизни. Ли Тхэчжун оставил за собой бесценное литературное наследие в виде романов, коротких рассказов и детских сказок.
(English) Lee Taejoon was born at Cheolwon in Korea in 1904, and he is known for his simple and crystal-clear writing style. He wrote several masterpieces—novels and children's book—and went to North Korea in 1946. His children's stories include A Young Gate Keeper; A Sad Thanksgiving Day to Come; and Mom, Who Always Says I Do Not Know.
Kim Dongsung
Kim Dongsung (M) majored in Oriental Painting at Hongik University. His representative picture book, Waiting for Mom, received the Korea Baeksang Publishing Culture Award by the Hankook Ilbo. His other books include Thinking of Oppa, Flower-Print Shoes, Wild Flower Child and Echo.
- Recommendation
Recommended Book by the Korean Kindergarten Association (2014)