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Ten Ways to Survive a Disaster
: Safety Stories for Children


Khang Rosa

Lee Changsub


LEESCOM Publishing Group


Children's Other Books
Fairy Tale Books


9~12 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #disaster
  • #safety
  • #earthquake
  • #typhoon
  • #heavy snowfall
  • #heat wave
  • #marine accident
  • #children's safety story
  • #environment
  • #Indonesia online Consultation

Copyright Contact

Lee Jeanhee

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    180 * 240

We don't know when disasters such as earthquakes, fires and marine accidents might happen. This book helps readers naturally learn how to deal with disasters while reading interesting stories.

Book Intro


10 Cara untuk Menghindari Bencana Alam

Buku ini mengajarkan anak-anak cara menghadapi situasi darurat melalui cerita dongeng yang dikemas secara menarik. Buku ini berisi 10 dongeng tentang bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, hujan lebat, gelombang panas hingga bencana yang disebabkan oleh manusia seperti kebakaran dan kecelakaan maritim. Sambil belajar dari karakter utama dalam mengatasi krisis karena bencana, kita dapat mengetahui bagaimana cara menghadapi bencana dengan benar.



What if the house shakes because of an earthquake or is flooded from heavy rain? What if there is a sudden fire or you get lost in the woods? Just the thought of it is horrible. But this could be your story, as terrible disasters can happen anywhere to anybody.

This book is for learning how to deal with disaster situations while reading interesting stories. It includes 10 stories from natural disasters, such as earthquake, heavy rainfall and heatwave, to man-made disasters, such as fires, distress and marine accidents. It is easy to understand the safety information as the main character is a teenager, whom readers can easily relate to, and the stories are interesting and can happen in our daily lives.

The main characters overcome dangerous situations wisely to protect themselves and the surrounding people. As you follow the main characters getting through crises, you will naturally learn how to deal with disasters.

(1) 10 suspenseful and interesting disaster stories. 

This book includes 10 stories depicting emergency disaster situations such as earthquakes, fires and marine accidents. You can relate to the stories as if they had happened to your friends, and the stories are full of suspense. What makes them even more realistic is that they can happen to us at any time.

(2) Your safety knowledge increases as you read along with interest.

This is a story book that kills two birds with one stone, since how to stay safe is automatically learned as you read the stories. Common sense knowledge about disasters and how to respond to them is naturally learned as you go through disaster situations with the main characters. This is a storytelling education in which boring knowledge is naturally learned through stories.

(3) You get to learn how important the environment and living safely is.

Natural disasters caused by environmental pollution, man-made disasters brought about by people's greed... Readers will be able to realize how much danger is brought about because of our wrongful actions. Children will be able to personally feel the need to live safely by protecting the environment and preventing man-made disasters.

(4) Common sense knowledge related to disasters and how to deal with them is organized in the reader's mind.

The book is designed such that at the end of each story, the main characters recap the causes of the disaster and how to prevent and deal with it in detail. Therefore, what readers learn while reading the stories gets to be well-organized in their minds.

About the Author

Khang Rosa

Khang Rosa (F) studied Journalism and Creative Writing at university and has worked as a reporter at a media company. She became a children's book author after falling for writing for children. At present, she is writing children's stories and novels for adolescents at JY Storytelling Academy. Other books written by her include, 10 Leaders Who Led Korean History: the Japanese Invasion and Independence Movement, Teacher Keum Gukja's Strange Cooking ClassTell Me Famous People from South Gyeongsang Province!, The Young Bride Under the Moon, The Secret of Noisy Apartment #201, Social Participation for a Different Tomorrow, The Vanishing Treasure Island in the South Pacific, Great Historical Figures from Our Town (volumes 1, 6, 12, and 14), and General Gyebyek and a Flowerbud in Danger.

Lee Changsub

Lee Chang-sub (M) started to illustrate for children while drawing pictures of automobiles in the department of industrial design at Hongik University. Lee lives in a small, crowded and noisy house in Masan with a 7 year-old son, a five year-old daughter and two dogs.
Other books Lee has illustrated include Is this Korean?, The Story of Our Cultural Heritage, The Roller Coaster Disappeared! and Fly, Magic Broomstick!


Bestseller Rank

Yes 24, Ranked Top 100 (Bestseller in Children's literature)

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